Who is Actually Responsible for the Charleston Shooting?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 20, 2015

Who created Dylann Storm Roof?
Who created Dylann Storm Roof?

Shooting up a church full of old women is a ridiculous act, whether or not you care about the lives of the Blacks. Presumably no one actually does care about the lives of the Blacks, as Blacks kill each other constantly and it barely makes the news. If a Black had done this church shooting, it would get very limited news coverage, and no one would be calling for gun control or any other political end.

It would register in people’s minds as nothing more than “oh well, more dead Black people.” Black people die so often that it is very difficult for anyone to view their lives as particularly valuable.

Dylann Storm Roof’s actions have nothing to do with any political movement, the man acted alone and of his own volition. He was using drugs, and probably suffering from mental illness.

However, he did choose his targets based on a certain perception of the world, and it is important to understand what influenced that perception when we are looking at why this event took place as it did.

Roof’s alleged statement during the shooting was “you rape our women, you’re taking over our country.”

Why did he think these things?

Well, the reason he thought these things is because they are true.

Black on White rape in America amounts to a type of holocaust, with tens of thousands of White women being raped every year by Blacks.

Actual fact, as recorded by the FBI
Actual fact, as recorded by the Department of Justice

Blacks commit endless amounts of other violent crimes against Whites on a daily basis, as we record every day on this site. A Black is 39 times more likely to commit a crime against a White than the other way around. And as this happens, both the media and the government refuse to label it a crisis, or even acknowledge the scale and purely racial nature of the situation.

This graph should make you uncomfortable.
This graph should make you uncomfortable.

And this country built by Whites for Whites now has a Black President and Black people are continually treated with preference, recipients of vast social, political and economic privilege, never held responsible for their own behavior. They are being forced into our neighborhoods as we pay them to rape and murder us. The Black-run government is using its power to attempt to punish Whites for alleged historical crimes as it continues the process of transferring our resources to this hostile minority.

Barack Obama has used his position as President to forward an aggressive terrorist agenda against the White race.
Barack Obama has used his position as President to forward an aggressive terrorist agenda against the White race.

It looks very much like a takeover of the country.

This shooting needs to be viewed in context. That context is both the ongoing mental health crisis in decadent and depraved America and the ongoing oppression and disenfranchisement of Whites in this country. The context that this event does not exist in is that of White racism, or White identity in any form.

People don’t exist in vacuums and actions have causes.

Instead of looking at the actions of one man who had a few screws loose, or the result of some kind of nonsensical White racist conspiracy against Black people, we need to look at the whole of a society which would produce this type of an individual. And the society which produced this man was not one run by White racists, but one run by Jews, Blacks, women and Marxists who have been waging an ongoing war against the White man for decades.

Dylann Roof may be a monster. But he is a monster created by the same establishment he lashed out against.

Instead of condemning Whites for this event, Obama should be apologizing to us for creating the type of social environment where people are driven to the state Dylann Roof was driven to.