Whoops! Egyptian Security Forces Accidentally Kill Mexican Tourists

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 14, 2015

Arabs blow things up constantly. 97% of the time it's on purpose. The other 3%, however, is tragic.
Arabs blow things up constantly. 97% of the time it’s on purpose because of Allah or whatever. The other 3% of the time, however, is tragic.

Everybody makes mistakes.

In Arab countries, these mistakes usually involve people getting killed. In that way, in Arab countries, mistakes usually have the same outcome as things that are done on purpose.


Security forces in Egypt have mistakenly killed 12 people, including Mexican tourists, during an anti-terror operation, the interior ministry says.

The tourists were travelling in four vehicles that entered a restricted zone in the Wahat area of the Western Desert, the ministry said.

Ten Mexicans and Egyptians were also injured and are being treated in a local hospital.


Mexico’s President Enrique Pena Nieto condemned the incident and said he had “demanded an exhaustive investigation by the Egyptian government”.

The Mexican foreign ministry confirmed that at least two of its nationals had been killed and said it was working to confirm the identities of the other victims.

In a statement, it said Mexico’s ambassador in Egypt had visited the local hospital and spoken to five Mexicans who were in a stable condition.

‘Mistakenly dealt with’

The statement (in Arabic) from Egypt’s interior ministry said the four vehicles the tourists were travelling in were “mistakenly dealt with” during a joint military police and armed forces operation.


It said the incident happened on Sunday in an area that “was off limits to foreign tourists”, but it did not give an exact location.

Egyptian officials say the tourists were in a no-go zone – and had not liaised with the authorities.

So, I guess they just immediately open fire on potentially suspicious vehicles as a matter of policy?

Does that seem weird?

Well, it shouldn’t – it’s a part of Sharia law, the one true Islam:

“When in doubt about something or whatever, just blow it up and figure shit out later, lol.” -Muhammed Koran surrah 112