Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 23, 2015

Look like you didn’t delete that stuff correctly, Hillary!
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has successfully recovered personal and work emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server, according to a new report.
Sources told Bloomberg News that some of Clinton’s emails have been extracted from the server, thus disproving the claim that Clinton managed to wipe her server clean after she deleted all of her emails earlier this year.
Therefore, some of the emails that Clinton deleted — the ones that she determined were NOT relevant to federal investigations — are now in the hands of the FBI.
The federal investigation, therefore, is now out of Clinton’s control.
About a 50/50 chance this is an inside job/hoax. Maybe higher chance than that.
But we’ll know.
Because there is no way she would have bothered deleting the server and breaking federal law – again – by destroying evidence if there was nothing illegal on it.
So if the FBI comes out and says “yeah, there is nothing illegal, she just deleted it for no reason,” you’ll know they are shilling for her.
Otherwise, this will certainly result in prosecution of some form.
Related: This Hillary Clinton Email Scandal is Like the Twilight Zone – Why is Nothing Happening?