Whoops: Illegal Immigrants Kidnap Three Girls, Kill One in Satanic Ritual

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 4, 2017

Wow, this is truly shocking.

The main reason it is so shocking is that no one could have predicted it.


Two MS-13 gang members from El Salvador, both in the United States illegally, held three teenage girls against their will and killed one of them in what was described as a satanic ritual, authorities in Houston said Friday.

Miguel Alvarez-Flores, 22, and Diego Hernandez-Rivera, 18, have been arrested and charged with aggravated kidnapping and murder — both first-degree felonies punishable by up to life in prison. Bond has been set at $300,000 for each, but immigration detainers will keep both behind bars.

The 15-year-old girl’s body was found Feb. 16 with gunshot wounds to the face and chest. Homicide detective Sgt. Chris Sturdivant said that the girl’s identity has not been officially determined but that investigators are confident they know who she is — a girl reported missing in January in nearby Jersey Village, Texas.

The captives were three “young, impressionable women” ranging in age from 14 to 16 who succumbed to the allure of gang life before being taken to an apartment and held there against their will, Sturdivant said. The 14-year-old girl told investigators that they were fed drugs and alcohol and forced to have sex.

The girl said the 15-year-old was killed in a satanic ritual because she had struck the gang’s shrine to a satanic saint, according to investigators. She told investigators that Alvarez-Flores made a peace offering to the figure in the form of a cigarette.

“He returned from the statue and told the entire group that the beast did not want a material offering but wanted a soul,” state District Judge Maria Jackson said during the men’s initial court appearance Wednesday.

The 14-year-old said she later awoke to find the 15-year-old gone, according to investigators. The case comes as President Trump is promoting concerns over criminal immigrants living in the United States illegally.

“Satanic” is technically correct. But that’s sort of a catchall for standard non-white religiosity.

More specifically, this would have been an Aztec ritual. Because the people are Aztecs.

This shouldn’t be the least bit surprising to anyone, at all.

The behavior of these people is quite well-documented.

Why would they not be doing the same thing now as they were doing then?

Because it’s current year?

Behavior is a genetic program in humans, just as it is in animals. This isn’t some grand mystery.

All of the non-white races that are a problem now have a history of this human sacrifice phenomenon.

The Jews and other Semites do it in the Old Testament and virtually every other text from that region.

The blacks obviously did it quite a bit.

And the Pacific islanders.

The only peoples with no extensive record of this behavior are Europeans and East Asians.

The savage races have always been savage and always will be savage.