Whoops! Kerry Says Libya is Probably a “Failed State”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 25, 2016

No one ever could have predicted this.

Literally, every single analyst was just like “yeah, find some foreign terrorists, pay them to invade the country, then start bombing the shit out of the cities – oh, and make sure you get video of their popular leader being sodomized before he gets lynched – and then – boom – Western-style democracy.”

So it really is shocking.


Libya risks becoming “a failed state” if the UN-brokered unity government flops, Secretary John Kerry has said. While Libya remains broke and insecure five years after NATO’s 2011 military intervention, Kerry believes “a wealthy nation” can rebuilt itself.

The remarks by the head of the Department of State came during his second visit to Capitol Hill seeking to defend a proposed $50 billion foreign aid budget for 2017, the last of the Obama administration.

While he focused mostly on recent developments in Syria, Kerry’s attention was briefly shifted to Libya. When asked if “Libya is a failed state,” he replied: “It’s close.”

“We have been working really hard for the last months, particularly, to bring together the government in Tripoli,” Kerry told the House Appropriations Committee on Foreign Operations. “We have a Prime Minister designate, we have a government now; we have a couple of outliers that are resisting that effort. If they cannot get themselves together, yes it will be a failed state.”

Since the 2011 ouster and killing of its long-term leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Libya has essentially been “torn apart” by two factions based in opposite sides of the country that simultaneously claim power.

After an election in 2014, an Islamist-dominated body settled in Tripoli in the west, while an internationally recognized legislature is based in the eastern city of Tobruk.

Nearly five years since the West’s military intervention, the broke and insecure Northern African state remains in a power vacuum as Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIL/ISIS) tries to solidify its foothold.

Hopes are currently high that Libya’s UN-backed revised national unity government will be approved by the country’s eastern parliament in Tobruk, setting a course to stability.

On Wednesday, the majority of the parliament’s 196 members voted in support of the unity government, with many abstaining citing threats they had received.

Seriously, that Gaddaffi takedown was the most insane thing yet. Really the point at which the plot completely disappeared.

At least with Saddam they were like “oh well, he’s planning to nuke us somehow.”

With Gaddaffi they’re just like “oh well, there are some foreign terrorists attacking people, we’re going to go ahead and start bombing the cities for no reason.


Democracy: It’s what Arabs crave!