Whoops: Netanyahu Investigated in Graft Probe

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 3, 2017

I’m crushed.

I thought Bibi was the last leader on earth driven purely by conviction to promote his race.


Israeli police questioned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his official residence in Jerusalem over graft allegations that are casting a pall over his leadership.

The Justice Ministry said the team of investigators questioned the 67-year-old Israeli premier for about three hours Monday night “under caution” — meaning anything he said could be used in court if he’s prosecuted — on suspicion he illicitly received perks from businesspeople. The prime minister said in a Twitter post Tuesday that “long years of daily persecution against me and my family turned out yesterday to be nothing — nothing at all. I repeat: There will be nothing, because there is nothing.”

lol, “persecution.”

Don’t these Jews know how guilty that makes them look? Surely they’re aware what “I’m being persecuted” sounds like to another Jew?

Or maybe it’s just that Jews are incapable of understanding that they are capable of doing something wrong, in any situation, so in their minds, whenever they are caught, it is a form of persecution?

Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit first ordered a probe last June after police received information involving the prime minister. The investigation, which included testimony from dozens of witnesses in Israel and abroad, expanded beyond its initial scope, the ministry said, without detailing the suspicions.

Adds Pressure

The investigation adds to pressure on Netanyahu as he grapples with fallout from a recent United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements. Whether it will lead to charges, and whether they would be grave enough to threaten his premiership, isn’t clear. So far, Netanyahu isn’t facing pressure within his government to step down, and some allies have accused investigators of a political witch hunt. Under Israeli law, he doesn’t have to step down unless indicted.

While offering no details of the suspicions against Netanyahu, Mandelblit gave an accounting of other inquiries against Netanyahu that have been dropped due to lack of evidence. These include allegations of campaign improprieties and other claims that he received gifts and flights from wealthy foreign businesspeople and double-billed for trips.

Absent an indictment, the effect a criminal investigation has on a prime minister depends on how strong he is politically and personally, said Abraham Diskin, professor emeritus of political science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. On both counts, he said, Netanyahu remains very strong.

“I don’t see a collapse of the government or a Netanyahu resignation around the corner,” Diskin said. “On a personal level, Netanyahu is a very strong person and his reactions so far demonstrate he’s not going to back down. On a legal level, there’s a lot we simply still don’t know, and we have to wait and see.”

Having scanned some Jew sites, the preliminary analysis is that he is both obviously guilty of something and that he is likely to suffer consequences for it.

Big if true.

Helluva a shakeup to kick-off 2017!