Whore Madonna on Trump Victory: “Women Hate Women”

Daily Stormer
December 6, 2016

You’d think that if a large portion of women voted for Trump, feminists would be taking a step back and maybe genuinely questioning why.

Why would a female vote Trump?

Instead of questioning why women are dissatisfied with the way things currently are, or why they’re excited for a Trump presidency, they’d rather diagnose the female Trump supporters.


Madonna is voicing despair over Donald Trump’s election victory and blamed women, saying they had a tribal inability” to accept a female president.

The election “felt like a combination of the heartbreak and betrayal you feel when someone you love more than anything leaves you, and also a death,” the pop icon told Billboard magazine in an interview published Monday.

The pop icon, who campaigned for Hillary Clinton in her bid to become America’s first woman president, said an “insanely high” percentage of female voters backed Trump, who has boasted of his ability to sexually assault women with impunity.

Women hate women. That’s what I think it is,” Madonna told the music magazine.

Is a feminist actually admitting that women are different than men?

Is she using their gender against them?

Personally, I don’t believe any female Trump supporter didn’t vote Clinton due to jealousy.

Usually, when women don’t like each other it’s because they feel there’s competition there.


Notice how female Trump supporters don’t feel the need to get naked to get their political views across

Feminists have low self-esteem and support Clinton because she doesn’t make them feel threatened.

She makes Amy Schumer feel like a super model

Women who aren’t feminists usually are more attractive than feminists and don’t need feminism because they aren’t down on themselves and don’t lack the confidence that these petty victims do.


Feminists are ugly to the point where it’s a joke that they think anyone would rape them

To pretend that they would feel intimidated by the idea of a female president is ludicrous. It’s simply a matter of comparing women of Ivanka Trump quality to those that resemble Chelsea Clinton.

Women’s nature is not to support other women. It’s really sad. Men protect each other, and women protect their men and children.

Women turn inward and men are more external. A lot of it has do with jealousy and some sort of tribal inability to accept that one of their kind could lead a nation,” Madonna said.

This goes back to the childish idea that if you don’t like a celebrity figure, it’s purely because you’re jealous.

You couldn’t possibly hate the Kardashians because they profit off degeneracy, it’s either because you’re jealous of their appearance and bank accounts or simply hate women.

Kanye West And Kim Kardashian.

‘When you’re rich and famous, then you comment on them’ -Internet normies

Madonna has done an excellent job of making a fool of herself in a desperate attempt to stay relevant, but no matter how much she kicks and screams it’s great knowing that Emperor Trump will take power in 2017 and there’s nothing she can do about it.