March 3, 2015
Now a lot of complete morons out there somehow think that just because I can’t stand the Jew and stinking little Israel, that I’m a big fat Muzzie lover.

Let me set the record straight: I can’t stand these dirty Muslims in our lands one GD bit. Sure, I don’t have anything against them living in dune coon land, eating goat eyeballs and slurping fermented camel piss all they damn want. Just don’t expect me to be all happy about them living in our White countries; stinking up the place with curry powder and those filthy burkas their oily broads wear — all the while making that infernal tongue clucking racket when Omar gets home from spending the whole day at the Mosque plotting Shariah law.
And it is indeed true that I’ve sympathized with the Palestinians plenty (many of whom are Christians). Of course, that’s mostly because I can’t stand what the Jews back here are doing to my country — the US of A. The enemy of my enemy is my pal (BTW: Ever since the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem visited Hitler’s Nazi Germany, solidarity with Muslims among White Gentiles really gets the paranoid Jews all bunged up).
Usually, I resist the temptation to call for the Jews to go live in their so-called “Promised Land” BS and leave us alone. That sounds easy enough. But it ain’t gonna happen since Jews are a parasitical race who need enough other Jews back here in our lands to continue the shekel sucking that allows Jewish Israel to exist in the first place. Back in 1948, the mothers basically fooled the crap out of the Brits, anxious to see the trouble-makers move on to Israel (Britain has since been totally screwed by non-White immigration).
So it’s pretty much a moot point as far as screwing up the Palestinian lands even more by calling for the Jews to move there. I must admit there is propaganda value with the conservative patriot types (called “Kwans”), since many do have a sneaking suspicion Jews are greedy rip-off artists or lefty libtards and homos, which is indeed the case. The chicken crap Kwans just don’t want to step over the line and get called Nazis.
Recently, the pleasant folks over at the Daily Stormer website called for a twitter and “troll” war against this burka-wearing, Muslim woman activist named Mariam Veiszadeh living in Australia. She’s having a British woman face a magistrate and possibly go to jail for hurting her feelings on Twitter. The lousy media and idiot liberals have now turned the Muzzie accuser into a diversity action hero, instead of the WHITE woman victimized by the state for speaking her mind.

Like, WTF is this stinking foreigner even down there complaining about things in the first place, I ask? So how come no one in the media (including FOX) ever asks why these Muslim are even allowed to move to our White countries, like ever?
And I heartily endorse Daily Stormer’s tactics of in-your-face, First Amendment, pro-active PR measures against invaders of White lands and their enablers. I laughed my White tushie off with their hilarious Internet campaign against some creepy-looking Jewess politician whining about “hate speech” over in Great Britain (right).
You can’t say us “haters” don’t have a sense of humor!
There are some confused Whites who will say these kinds of efforts hurt our cause. Oh BS! Haven’t we had more than enough of playing the Mr. Nice Guy? Gets old, doesn’t it? And it gets us nowhere but less jobs, more taxes, fighting in their continual NWO wars and spat in the face with PC BS on a daily basis for saying the least little thing non-PC, should we be White people.
Now you may have noticed the idiot Kwans acting all worked up in a Jew-media fostered tizzy about Barry Obongo not calling it a “War on ISLAMIC terrorism.” It was like Obongo committed murder or something.
You see, these kinds of conundrums are bound to happen with PC. Why? Because of the Priority One Diversity laws, created by the Marxist, Nation-Wrecking Jews and turned into glowing visions of prancing unicorns and LGBT rainbows by porridge-brained White liberals. Just as long as you’re not another “privileged” White person, you can do no wrong to such sheltered idiots — especially if you’re a non-White immigrant helping to invade our White lands.
This way, idiot liberals don’t have to fly all the way to foreign countries to experience the wonders of the Third World! And this is coming from softy faggots who wouldn’t dare take a stroll down Martin Luther King boulevard after dark.
All this PC BS necessarily extends to these desert Muslim sandniggers, of course. Just as long as they don’t hate Mother Israel too openly and own any knives longer than 4 inches, it’s all cool.
Sure, you can spit in the face of White Christian people all you damn want these days. Hell, blacks can murder us all the time — nobody ever says JACK — at least not on national TV, because the Jewish social engineers are going to be pissed about alerting too many of the Goy about our race getting victimized. That’s only for “peeps of color,” don’t you know?
Plus, it should be noted that Obongo certainly sympathizes with the Muzzies, but can’t be too open about it because it will piss off the idiot Kwans who think Israel is our bestest little buddy in the Mideast, who can do no wrong. Because of the media and the stupid ass proletariat (meaning your next door neighbor, of course), no one has had the guts to stand up to the conniving Israeli Jew bastards for the last GD 50 years, at least.
Those few in politics who have said anything bad about Israel, never really get anywhere because it’s simply not reported to the general idiot population. It’s like the business with a tree crashing in the forest — does it make a sound if no one is around to hear? Afterwards, the latest “enemy of the Jews” somehow finds campaign donations to his reelection getting nowhere and the poor sap never gets to “do lunch” again with DC big shots, or cheap Hollywood whores.
The kosher grapevine has been a powerful tool used by the dirty Jews to the max. All of DC people will know exactly what I’m saying here.
The only reason I concentrate so much on the Jews on my site, is because I long ago recognized they were the ones actually responsible for turning White lands inside out and brainwashing weaker members of our race with diversity and equality BS.
And I know I talk about black crime here a lot too, only because it’s now blisteringly obvious that blacks in America have long blown their chance at living in a civilized Western nation with their ever-growing criminal and militant behavior. Tell me: Haven’t you had it up to “HERE” with these brutal, spoiled black bastards? The SOBs most definitely deserve a one way ticket back to jungle land.
Idiot Zio Media Whores

So what’s the good news, Cog Man? Well, Whites are indeed awakening in droves these days. In fact, it may be entirely too late for the Jews to do anything drastic, censorship-wise, of the Internet without making matters even worse.
That’s why you see them tip toeing around the issue, trying to find ways of silencing true free speech without it alerting people to them destroying America’s constitution.
You can easily see what they would really like is get the Muzzie terrorist angle to include all us evil pro-White activists (us “haters’). That’s tricky without resorting to false flag ops — now dangerous since so many of us are suspicious we’re getting sold a sack of horse manure. A false flag event not done well enough, too many of us might spot the mistakes and raise hell, even with all the “conspiracy nut” MEMEs carefully emplaced in people’s brains. Plus, it’s hard to logically associate pro-Whites with non-White Muslim Semites and sub-Saharan Negroes invading our lands.
It’s a real hat trick for the backstabbers to pull off. I’m quite certain they’ve been war gaming the problem for a long time now.
Another huge, HUGE thing is that the hypocrisy will become increasingly obvious to the braindead — both left and right. Already, people in droves are not believing the mainstream news because the Zionist propaganda over Israel is getting so apparent. Add to that, continuous Nazi documentaries and tear-jerking holocaust movies, and you got people finally putting two-and-two together about the real rats behind it all.
To fully get the degree of manipulation you’re fed on mainstream news, just ask yourself a few easy questions while watching: Why are certain topics pretty much reported the exact same way on ALL CHANNELS? Haven’t they yammered about such-and-such terror threat long enough? Why is Israel always called our “strongest ally” even if they never do JACK for us? Why are BS stories about whale encounters in the ocean worth one lousy second of national attention?
All of this may be a moot point, since the inevitable collapse of the FIAT dollar scam is on the horizon. The Globalist money Jews have long known that was going to happen from the start. WWIII, violent social upheavals and race wars just might be what the doctor ordered to enact Soviet style control over America — like they’ve been itching to do ever since we let the backstabbing bastards in the door.
You know it’s coming, don’t you?
– Phillip Marlowe

How much more of this JEW BS are we going to take, White people? Will you wait until they can throw you in jail for saying anything?