Why are You Not Allowed to Dress Up as Nazis for Halloween?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 29, 2018

We live in an anything goes society where guys are running around chopping their dicks off and people are urinating in jars with crucifixes. Though this is couched in whatever terminology, it is all under the umbrella of nihilism.

So in this nihilism, even if the Nazis really were the most evil thing in the history of everything, why are you not allowed to joke about them in an ironic fashion?

Wait, let me guess: it’s because of the Jews, isn’t it?


A Kentucky man says he now regrets dressing his son and himself in Nazi costumes during Thursday evening’s trick or treat event.

A picture of Bryant Goldbach of Owensboro and his son was posted online and has been sparking outrage. Bryant Goldbach dressed as a Nazi soldier and his son as Adolf Hitler during Owensboro’s Trail of Treats event.

Goldbach says he originally did it for historical purposes but admits he didn’t think through his idea.

“Anyone who knows us knows that we love history and often dress the part of historical figures,” Goldbach wrote on social media.

Goldbach claims he received snide remarks and his son was threatened for wearing the costume at the event Thursday evening.

“Tonight grown adults threatened a child over his costume,” Goldbach wrote on social media. “Threatened to rip his outfit off of him, screaming obscenities, scaring a small child.”

Many say the costume was in poor taste.

Goldbach says he didn’t realize it would stir as much controversy as it has and he apologized for his actions.

“I think it was in bad taste for me to let my child to wear that, probably for me to wear that. It didn’t occur to me. I thought it was a bad decision on my part,” Goldbach said.

Shelby Worden said, “With all the hate in the world, it’s bringing out more hate from the past. It’s showing things that shouldn’t be, not necessarily brought up, but romanticized.”

The Rabbi at Temple Adath B’nai Israel made a statement concerning how people should be mindful of what costumes they wear during Halloween.

Based on his name, the guy who did it was maybe Jewish. And probably a non-Jew understands the Jew-rules well enough not to do this.

He doesn’t look very Jewish though.

I am so tired of Jewish whining. But I feel that with this synagogue shooting, we may be about to hit peak Jew whine.