Why Can’t We Just Build Robots to Rape, Murder and Commit Terrorist Attacks?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 21, 2019

The George W. Bush program to flood America with Mexicans was about “jobs Americans don’t want to do.”

When Angela Merkel decided to publicly announce to the entire Arab and African worlds that they were welcome to swim and march straight into Europe, she said they were going to “pay the pensions.”

Donald Trump has recently announced that he’s going to flood America with more foreigners than ever before in history, because “someone needs to work at these factories.”

The issue is, we are looking at a situation where all of the jobs Americans don’t want to do will be done by robots.

Robots will free up the economy so German pensioners have nothing to worry about.

And the factories are going to be entirely run by robots.

So all of these people who are being defined – albeit begrudgingly – as “low-skilled workers” are not going to be doing any working. What they are now is simply “no-skilled brown people with a penchant for rape, murder and/or terrorism,” who will be collecting checks from the state to pay for their lives.

So when they frame this mass immigration project in terms of the economy, the tacit admission from Western governments is that we need a bunch of people in our countries for no other reason than to commit violent crime while the state pays them to do it.

And my thing is: wouldn’t it be cheaper to just build robots to rape, murder and commit terrorism?

Surely, robots could be designed and programmed to commit these types of acts.

We can also have the robots deal drugs and kill cops.

The cops are also going to be robots soon, so we will need robot drug dealers to kill robot cops.

And these government people all want to talk about the economy – having robots commit all of this violent crime will be way, way cheaper.

We need to at least put this out there in the public discussion. Because they are just talking nonsense about “good for the economy” as everything is being taken over by robots. If the politicians are actually concerned about maintaining an extremely high rate of rape, murder and terrorism, then let’s give them the option of letting robots do these jobs too.

If they deny the proposition of robots specifically designed to commit violent crime, then we can only assume that this entire immigration thing is simply about white genocide.