Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 25, 2014

A Russian senator is asking the Nobel Committee to annul the Peace Prize given to the hateful, war-mongering black President of America for having started a new Cold War over the Ukraine.
From RT:
“The double standard policy is incompatible with the title of Nobel Peace Prize laureate. I think the Nobel committee must take an objective look at the situation and consider the possibility of taking the title from Barack Obama,” Senator Lyudmila Bokova (Saratov Region) was quoted as saying by the Izvestia daily.
“The latest statements and activities of Mr. Obama are clearly aimed against the non-violent solution of the Ukrainian crisis. Besides, the US President is pursuing the objective of world domination and the interests of the Ukrainian people is the last thing to be taken into consideration by him,” the Russian politician said.
Bokova added she had thoroughly studied Barack Obama’s Nobel speech and everything in it was right, but the US President’s own actions now contradict his position.
The United States has stopped being a guarantor of international security and is only forcefully imposing its own interests and values upon other nations, the senator added.
“The double standards policy has become America’s main modus operandi on the international arena. The whole world has repeatedly witnessed that applying double standards is not only inadmissible but also dangerous as it leads to uncontrolled outbursts of violence and Human Rights violations,” Bokova said.
Obama was famously given the prize, which is typically given to someone for a reason, for no reason.
Wikipedia has a list of those who have received the prize since they began passing them out in 1901, with a one-sentence reason why they received it. Though many (most?) of them would be debatable, all of them appear to have received it for a clear reason, save for one.
In 1901, Henry Dunant received the prize “for his role in founding the International Committee of the Red Cross.”
In 1962, Linus Carl Pauling won “for his campaign against nuclear weapons testing.”
In 1996, Jody Williams and the International Campaign to Ban Landmines won “for their work for the banning and clearing of anti-personnel mines.”
But in 2009, Obama was given the award “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” something which is very vague and had not actually happened. Other than himself apparently being a Muslim, and having given a couple of speeches about how we should not have war with the Muslims, he had done nothing at all. He had not ended the war with Iraq or Afghanistan, nor closed Gitmo, nor signed any piece of legislation relating to this issue.
Basically, the Prize was given to him for being black and talking smooth.
He of course went on, after being awarded the Peace Prize, to become the most egregiously war-mongering President in American history.
He has gone far and beyond anything Bush did, deploying special-OPs to 134 countries (Bush only deployed them in 60), drone-bombing the hell out of Pakistan, maintaining a massive troop presence in Iraq after the war is supposed over, sharply escalating the conflict in Afghanistan, over-throwing Libya and installing a terrorist regime, funding terrorists in Syria then attempting to start a full-on war with Assad, supported the massive NSA spying program, allocated $355 billion for nuclear weapons program, launched 20,000 Airstrikes in his first term alone, signed the NDAA into law, which made it legal to assassinate Americans without charge or trial, initiated a ‘Secret Kill List’ which he oversees himself, started a drone war in Yemen, escalated a proxy war in Somalia, awarded George Bush with complete immunity for his criminal actions, secretly deployed special forces in 75 countries, extended the Patriot Act, sold $30 billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia and opened new military bases in Columbia and Chile.
And finally, he has approved a proxy war in the Ukraine, defending it in the most insane ways and escalating it into a new Cold War with Russia.
Among other things.
Though all of this insanity came after being given the Prize at the beginning of his first term for no reason, it seems that having done all of this, he no longer deserves to hold a prize for being a man of peace. He is literally the worst war-monger who has existed in recorded history.
When, then, will the Nobel Committee address this issue?