Why Doesn’t China Just Nuke America?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 13, 2019


Now that I’ve figured out that these Trump tariffs on China are simply a way to bully them into stopping trade with Iran, I’m about as jaded as anyone has ever managed to become.

And I’m left wondering: Why doesn’t China just nuke America?

What’s stopping them? 

Surely, such an act could no longer be considered brash, and it can be justified under literally any system of morality.

Not that the Chinese even need that, as their only morality is “things should be generally orderly.”

As difficult as this is to admit as an American: under the command of the Jews, our country has come to represent a repressive and evil force on earth, and the entire world would cheer if this happened.

Everyone would immediately sign up for Weibo so they could like Xi Jinping’s posts.

Then, after they do that, they’ll start getting involved in wholesome and healthy Chinese activities, such as cats in Pikachu outfits.

In the long run – after an extended Walking Dead scenario – America wins.

Everybody wins.

There is no possible negative outcome for anyone on earth, other than Jews.

America isn’t going to respond. This country is already pulling itself apart, and if a city of some millions of people were to be sucked up under a mushroom cloud, it wouldn’t unite: it would collapse.

As someone once said about another thing: you kick in the door and the whole rotten structure collapses.

The thing about this is that the structure is so rotten, that there is absolutely zero doubt in anyone’s mind that it won’t collapse on its own.

We have free and unlimited third world immigration and we have child trannies. Among other troublesome things.

None of this is sustainable.

Everything that Trump is currently doing is actually good from the standpoint of understanding the absolute necessity of a communist revolt and a total burning down of the entire country with tens of millions being slaughtered or starved to death.

So if China doesn’t nuke us and create a Walking Dead type situation, the inevitable communist revolution will murder most of the Jews and destroy everything.

Thinking this through, I don’t really see how anything can go wrong here.

It’s actually looking fantastic.

The Great Leap Forward is coming either way.

Prepare yourself accordingly.