Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 25, 2015

Non-Whites and especially Jews are constantly on about how horrible it is that some people maybe don’t like them. And admittedly, a whole lot of people don’t. There is, however, a group of people that are also generally unliked, and yet not once have I heard about them complaining about it or launching massive campaigns to attempt to change people’s opinion of them: the French.
I can say personally that I have never had a good experience with a Frenchman. I have had a few good experiences with French women (WINK WINK WINK). I had one ethnically French friend, but he was from Switzerland. And I’ve had French Canadian friends. When I meet a French person, I don’t immediately write them off, but generally do just assume that I probably won’t get along with them. I used to think this was due to their judging me for being an American, then I found out they mostly behave the same way with the British, th Spanish, the Italians and the Germans.
What is interesting is that they know that people don’t tend to like them, and they do not care. They do not complain that people don’t like them. They do not go to other people’s countries and start making demands that people stop disliking them. They have deep confidence in their own identity as French, and take the position that if other people don’t like them, that is their own problem. They don’t lose confidence, they don’t claim that they believe people are going to start murdering them (even though they, like all other European countries, they have been invaded by their neighbors at various times and would technically be able to make the claim that so and so killed some of them at such and such point in history).

By existing as a group that is disliked across the world, and yet is unbothered by that situation, the French serve as a constant reminder of how idiotic the endless complaints of racism and Antisemitism truly are. If a group of people is disliked, the reasonable thing is not to start demanding people like them, it is either to make yourself as an individual more likable and thus overcome the stereotype your people have created for you (which some Frenchman do), or to simply disregard everyone else’s opinion of you as irrelevant, because you like yourself and who cares what other people think (which the vast majority of Frenchman do).
The reality is that non-Whites probably care as much as the French if people like them, and these cries of racism and Antisemitism are merely a means of obtaining an advantage over those whom you see to feed off of. The French are a self-sustaining group. If they go to work in other countries, they can pull their own weight and so people not liking them personally doesn’t matter, and if that doesn’t work out they can return to their own developed first-world country.

A Black or a Moslem immigrant, on the other hand, is incapable of pulling his weight in a White country, but surely doesn’t want to return to his own hellhole, and so he must gain an advantage by claiming he is at a disability because people don’t like him based on his group identity. The Jews have a similar thing going on, only its much more extreme, where they are literally functioning as a criminal gang and must keep away all inquiry into their dirty dealings by accusing people of hating them for no reason.
The existence of the French as an almost universally disliked and still highly productive and successful people is an eternal reminder that racism (dislike of a racial group) and Antisemitism (dislike of the Jews) are not real issues, but simply a means for otherwise weak people to obtain and maintain power over White society.
Please note that this article is not, in any way, intended to be anti-French. As any regular reader of this site is aware, I support France as much as any other White nation. In fact, I view their stubbornness and lack of a desire to be liked as inspirational.