Why Gun Control is Ineffective

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 26, 2018

The Australian gun buyback that leftists keep pointing towards was actually a failure. Every other gun ban has also been ineffective.

The homicide rates did not go down, only the gun homicide. People just found new ways to kill people.

If they wanted to end murder or other violent crime by banning things, they would need to ban everything. If someone really wanted to, they could probably at least blind you with an uncooked spaghetti noodle. That’s unlikely, but technically possible if you were tied down or something.

They would also need to somehow enforce this spaghetti ban, but anyone can make spaghetti with flour and water.

In regards to mass shooting, a knife or gas attack (or a truck) could achieve similar results. You would need to make it illegal to have any knowledge of chemistry, drive, or own any sharp instrument.