Why is James Comey Still the FBI Director?

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
May 4, 2017

FBI Director and anti-Russian conspiracy theorist James Comey is willfully ignoring the Israeli conspiracy to control America.

The FBI has been turned into a circus thanks to James Comey. It is baffling that he still has his job.

This is a man who said that the FBI couldn’t recommend prosecuting Hillary Clinton for using an illegal e-mail server despite there being ample evidence of wrongdoing. Now he’s focusing FBI resources into investigating alleged Russian conspiracies. All this while ignoring the open Israeli conspiracy to control the federal government. This man literally ignores real conspiracies while investigating conspiracy theories!

He just testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee where he was questioned about both of these topics. Republicans primarily asked questions about the Clinton e-mail debacle where as Democrats mostly asked questions about Russian conspiracy theories.

Comey, through his strange behavior, has turned the FBI into a politicized organization. By not recommending the prosecution of Clinton and some of her top aides for mishandling classified information, it showed an obvious political bias by the FBI. Any other person would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if they did just a fraction of what Clinton did. This is not debatable.

Hilariously, Clinton and her apologists are blaming Comey for her election loss when Comey is the only reason her campaign was allowed to continue. If it weren’t for him, Clinton would be locked up in a small jail cell wearing an orange jump suit.

All that aside, many of the answers Comey gave under questioning were strange. He did not do a good job explaining his actions. We even learned that the FBI code named the Clinton e-mail investigation “Midyear Exam” which meant that they probably imposed an artificial deadline to reach a conclusion.

New leadership is desperately needed at the FBI. Comey has become too much of a political figure to lead what is supposed to be an impartial investigative entity. His recent testimony has proven it again.

What the FBI needs is someone like Nathan Damigo to lead it. Not only is Damigo a fine law abiding citizen but he is a highly respected criminal justice expert.