Why the Sargonite Movement Can’t Win

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 19, 2018

The Sargonite movement cannot possibly hope to gain any traction because it goes against the biological nature of humans.

Every problem with White nations is rooted in our hyper-individualism and the stripping of our racial identity by Jews.

Sargon’s plan is not to try and change that in Whites, but to also individualize and remove the racial identity of the brown and yellow hordes flooding into our nations.

This is not possible for a few obvious reasons:

  • Brown people are too stupid to grasp abstract concepts.
  • He does not have any major media control, which was and is required to strip the racial identity of a group and must be done every generation. This is also why kikes will immedately take control of media and education institutions in their host country.
  • It takes years to strip racial identity, and there is simply not enough time to build and properly utilize the infrastructure required even if he had the ability to do so before either the Alt-Right wins or the White race is destroyed.

This will only end in our benefit, since it is likely people will realize how retarded the ideals of individualism are and they will also be humiliated into converting or shutting up.