Daily Stormer
November 25, 2014

When you’re Black and famous, you’re still Black.
Not too long ago, a Black sow from Django Unchained got arrested having sex with a white guy in her car and blamed society – also, for some reason she mentioned Michael Brown.
Another Black actor, Dwight Henry, apparently killed a guy and never got charged with it. Presumably because he is Black and it was society’s fault he did it in the first place.
Dwight Henry, a baker-turned-actor who rose to prominence with his debut performance in the Oscar-nominated 2012 movie “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” is facing scrutiny from prosecutors who say they are not sure why he avoided charges in connection with a 2006 New Orleans killing.
Henry, who went on to act in “12 Years a Slave” and is slated to appear in the forthcoming Marvin Gaye biopic “Sexual Healing,” was arrested eight years ago in connection with a stabbing death, but was released without charge, Orleans Parish Assistant District Attorney Christopher Bowman said.
“Our office pulled the file and it wasn’t immediately apparent to us for what reason the case was refused,” Bowman said, adding that the charging decision was made by a previous administration that was less aggressive in prosecuting violent crime.
Prosecutors have no timeline for when they will decide whether to charge Henry in connection with the killing, Bowman said, adding that there is no statute of limitations for murder in Louisiana.
Bowman declined to identify the victim, reported by the New Orleans Advocate newspaper as Leroy Paige, who was stabbed to death outside an apartment in the Bywater neighborhood on Feb. 5, 2006, on Super Bowl Sunday.
The newspaper brought the eight-year-old killing to light in the wake of Henry being sought by police earlier this week on suspicion of entering a bakery where he used to work and stealing $270 from the cash register.
Recently we have also been bothered by the fact that Bill Cosby rapes women, when you’d think he’d be able to get it for free so there really isn’t any reason to do it. Yet he does it.
Famous Black people generally always behave like unfamous Black people, killing and raping and robbing and having no remorse.
Except Denzel. He’s never done anything to anyone.