Why You Hate Bruno Mars So Much

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 12, 2018

The other day I told a friend that I hate Bruno Mars pretty much worse than anyone else.

I hate all of these people, but I don’t really get triggered when I see or hear for example Jay-Z. I think “oh, there’s that monkeyman again, lol.” But Bruno Mars – this guy puts me in a rage.

And my friend said “yeah you know why, that nigga isn’t even black – he’s a Filipino.”

And I was like “nuh uh” – always I had just assumed Mars was a mulatto. Plus he has kinky hair which is not typical of Filipinos, who have strait Asian hair.

So I looked at the Wikipedia:

His father is of half Puerto Rican and half Ashkenazi Jewish descent (from Ukraine and Hungary), and is originally from Brooklyn, New York. His mother emigrated from the Philippines to Hawaii as a child, and was of Filipino, and some Spanish, ancestry.

That’s right friends – a Filipino kike.

You may also not be aware that the other key disgusting rat, the singer from Maroon 5, is also Jew.

Adam Levine.

So yeah – give me monkeyman Jay-Z any day over these kikes.

Because gorillas are much preferable to rats.