Wife of White NYPD Cop Who was Assassinated by Feral Nog Demands Americans Continue to Waste Tax Dollars Keeping Him Alive in America

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 16, 2018

Herman Bell.

I agree that this nig should be punished for his crime, but continuing to waste money on keeping him alive in America is not a good way to do it.

Maybe the State of New York should look into alternatives.

New York Post:

The wife of an NYPD officer assassinated in Harlem 47 years ago is getting ready to demand — again — that her her husband’s killer remain behind bars.

“Tomorrow morning, when I give my statement, my mind will be back in 1971,” Diane Piagentini told The Post from the Deer Park home she once shared with her husband, Joseph. “My two daughters will be here and we will give our statements.”

Herman Bell, who is serving 25 years to life, has in the past insisted that he has expressed remorse for the shooting deaths of Officers Piagentini and Waverly Jones and has been a model prisoner. But the widow said she still believes the killer would have hate in his heart for cops.

Bell was one of three men to gun down Piagenti and Jones. One accomplice died in prison and the other is up for parole in June.

Joseph Piagentini.