Wife Wants Husband to Pay Her Almost $3,500 a Month to Look After Their Kids

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
May 22, 2019

The internet continues to provide peeks into women’s minds. In this instance, a post in Reddit’s “Am I the Asshole?” community reveals a little more of women’s destructive and hedonistic nature.

From the post in Reddit:

So I feel pretty crummy even typing this out to complete strangers but here goes. My husband and I have been married for 4 years and we have a 1.5 year old together. He works and I agreed to stay at home since the birth of our son. I was earning only about 1/8 of what he was anyways, so we decided the most sensible arrangement since getting married was that I’d become a homemaker and SAHM when we had a baby.

I’ve been a stay at home spouse/mom for about 3 years now and it was fine before the baby. But now there are a lot of things I want to change but don’t know how to, especially when it comes to finances which I feel like I have no power over. My husband earns good money but he’s very frugal about nonessential spending because he wants to be financially independent (no job, earnings from investments) at an early age. Granted he was like this when I met him but I had also had my own salary at the time to do what I wanted. I’m looser with my money because I like eating out, going out with friends, going shopping, etc. All the normal things people in their 20s buy and do.

Well now that I stay at home we have mini fights every time I want to buy anything over $150 (which is the limit he set that needs a “conversation”). This means if I go out to get clothing, makeup, brunch, little treats, etc. and the amount exceeds $150, I would need to call him beforehand and talk about what I’m buying. It feels extremely restrictive and quite frankly humiliating. He spends so little on himself that it seems like to him that I’m the one spending all the money on myself every month.

I’ve been talking to my sister who’s also a SAHM and she says her and her husband have an agreement where she’s “paid” for childcare/homekeeping. Essentially she gets “paid” a few thousand every month to spend on whatever she wants because in their relationship he’s also the stingy/frugal one and she wants to have more pocket money for fun things. Right now she says she gets about $3,500 a month because that’s how much it would cost them to hire an outside nanny where they live. It’s a bit cheaper where we live so I wouldn’t be asking as much, but would I be the asshole to suggest a similar arrangement with my husband so I don’t need to go groveling for money every time I want to buy myself something nonessential?

There’s a few things to highlight from what this woman wrote.

She says she’s been a stay-at-home mom for about three years and that it was fine before the baby, which means that she was pretty happy spending her days watching Netflix or whatever and not doing any real work. Remember that women have all kinds of technological gadgets that we have invented to ease their homemaking tasks. Washing clothes involves pushing a couple of buttons. Cooking is just — lol, women don’t cook anymore. Washing dishes also just involves pushing some buttons. They can use vacuums to clean big spaces in minutes.

Modern women have been reduced to being button-pushers and leg-spreaders. There’s no real work for them anymore, which is why our brainwashed society pretends that women are valuable in the workforce or wherever — so women don’t get any ideas about going back to actually being worth something by being mothers.

This whore is literally saying that she started feeling like she should get paid after she started raising her own kid.

Her husband sounds like a smart and resourceful man that is delaying gratification to secure a better future for his family, and his slut wife is putting that future in danger instead of working with him as a team and supporting the long-term goal that would ensure a better future for them, their children and their grandchildren.

She says she’s bad with money and that she wastes money on “all the normal things people in their 20s buy and do.” Her husband, on the other hand, spends very little on himself, and she finds it “humiliating” to ask the person who is making the money for permission to spend that money.

This is clearly a case of a stupid whore literally wanting to buy stupid shit that the media tells her she should buy. It’s not about food. It’s not about clothing. It’s not about having her needs met — because those are already covered. It’s about indulging in the hedonistic lifestyle that the Jews have brainwashed her into buying.

What a horrible thing to behold.

The husband is sacrificing himself by working who knows how many hours a week to bring great prosperity to his family in the future, and his wife is fighting against him and becoming another obstacle between him and his mission.

It’s sad.

The bitch probably thought she’d turn him into her personal wallet after marriage while he probably thought that he found a woman who understands the value of delaying gratification and who’d support him thorough his mission.

If she wants like $3,500 a month for taking care of their kids, how much should she pay her husband for taking care of her and the kids?