“Wigger Wednesday” Shutdown by Crybaby Black

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 4, 2013

Typical wiggers.
Typical wiggers.

You would think that blacks, being the always disenfranchised and systemically oppressed minority victim group that they are, would be proud that White people desire to imitate their trashy fashion.  In fact, whenever a White wishes to embrace their alleged culture, they break down in tears, and scream “racism.”

In a very silly instance of this in 2011, Quera Pruitt, a black student of Red Wing High School in Minneapolis, sued the school over “Wigger Wednesday,” part of a week long annual “dress-up week” event, when students were allowed to dress up like blacks.

"Dem crackas up at dat skooo, dey done putted me up on da discrimination n sheeet." -Quera Pruitt, commenting on Wigger Wednesday
“Dem crackas up at dat skooo, dey done putted me out up on da discrimination n sheeet, cuz dey be trippin.  Ayes gon be need some cash fo dat.” -Quera Pruitt, commenting on her decision to demand cash from her high school over Wigger Wednesday

From CNN:

“Wigger” is as a slang term for “a white person who emulates the mannerisms, language and fashions associated with African-American culture,” according to a Wikipedia entry, the definition cited in the lawsuit. It is said to be a slur that combines the words “white” or “wannabe” with the word “nigger.”

“The students … wore clothes that, from their perspective, mimicked Black culture,” the lawsuit reads. “These costumes included oversized sports jerseys, low-slung pants, baseball hats cocked to the side, and ‘doo rags’ on their heads. Some of the students displayed gang signs.

‘Wigger Day’ is the same thing as ‘Nigger Day,’ ” Pruitt’s attorney Joshua Williams told CNN. “It’s blackface for the 21st century.

The lawsuit says the event happened in 2008 and 2009, and Williams believes it may have also occurred in 2007, before Pruitt moved to the school district. He added that after the 2009 “Wigger Day,” Pruitt fell into a “deep depression” and was forced to withdraw from student council, track and cheerleading. She graduated in 2010.

Well, that poor little thing.  She felt so sad that people dress up like her weird kinsmen for fun, she just didn’t have it in her to be cheerin no mo – ain’t nuttin be cheerin bout when you on da discrimination, creepy-ass crackas puttin yo black ass out on front street.

Man, none of this be happnin if them crackas wooda just left us in Abrica.

Shit be poppin off ober der in da Abirca.

Meanwhile, in Africa.
Meanwhile, in Africa.

The way these people whine.  It is truly incredible.

What exactly do they even want from us?  Could enough ever be enough?