Wikileaks: Israeli Terrorist Infiltrator Rahm Emmanuel Also Using Illegal Personal Email

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 6, 2016


All Jews are effectively Israelis by default, as any Jew can claim Israeli citizenship at any time, meaning all Jews in our government are foreign agents.

The Emanuels, however, are literally from Israel.

This Jew has been accused of being a spy for a long time.

This will now have to be investigated in the same way the Clinton scandal was, given that Emanuel was the monkey President’s Chief-of-Staff, a position basically on par with Secretary of State (they’re saying he started using it when he because Chicago mayor, but certainly he was doing the same thing in the White House, as an investigation will uncover).

And unlike Hillary, Emanuel isn’t too big to jail. However, his nose might be.


Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel used personal email accounts and a personal email domain to communicate with government officials and political figures, according to a published report based on hacked emails posted by WikiLeaks.

Emanuel’s personal account information turned up among the thousands of emails from John Podesta, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, the Chicago Tribune reported. Clinton has come under fire for her use of a private email system because doing so potentially jeopardized classified information.

Emanuel registered his personal email domain, “,” on May 16, 2011, the day he was sworn into office. The hacked emails also turned up evidence of Emanuel’s personal Gmail account.

The messages mark the first direct evidence that Emanuel has used personal email accounts as mayor beyond official city government accounts.

Emanuel was sued by the newspaper last year in a case about state open record laws that’s still pending. Under Illinois law, government business conducted over email by a public official is subject to the state’s open records law. The paper’s Freedom of Information Act requests filed since Emanuel took office have turned up little to no email communications from the mayor on his government email accounts.

Adam Collins, a spokesman for the mayor, said Emanuel’s use of a customized email domain is common, and added that Emanuel has not had and does not use a private email server.

“After the mayor’s election in 2011, the campaign fund set up a new email to ensure the mayor was not using government email for private or political use, which could violate city ordinance or state law,'” Emanuel spokesman Adam Collins told the newspaper. “A dedicated Gmail domain allowed for better security given the growing threat of cyberattacks.”

Collins did not say whether Emanuel has used either of the personal email accounts to conduct government business.

The hacked emails WikiLeaks released also showed Emanuel using his domain to contact Podesta. The day after Emanuel was forced into a runoff in his re-election bid, Podesta used a Gmail address for Emanuel instead of the account.

I want to know what he was sending to Israel though.

We need to ensure this is investigated.

If he thinks he’s going to get caught up in some kind of Jonathan Pollard type situation, he will flee to Israel and I guarantee Israel will give him a high government position and various awards ceremonies.
