Daily Stormer
April 18, 2015

I don’t know why anyone ever would have assumed something different than this was happening.
The latest documents released by Wikileaks reveal some uncomfortable – yet unsurprising – truths about the relationship between Hollywood and the US Government. In its propaganda efforts against Russia, the US State Department may have pressured Sony – and some of the biggest stars – into cooperating.
The latest Wikileaks release includes thousands of documents which reveal ties between the White House and Sony pictures. It’s taking journalists a long time to comb through the weeds, but some troubling details are emerging.
As Wikileaks notes, Sony Pictures Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton is also on the board of trustees for the RAND Corporation, a research arm of the US military. According to emails, the State Department may have taken advantage of Lynton’s dual positions to further its own propaganda aims.
“As you could see, we have plenty of challenges in countering ISIL narratives in the Middle East and Russian narratives in central and eastern Europe,” an email to Lynton from Richard Stengel, US State Department undersecretary for public diplomacy and public affairs, reads. “Following up on our conversation, I’d love to convene a group of media executives who can help us think about better ways to respond to both of these large challenges.”
“This is a conversation about ideas, about content and production, about commercial possibilities,” Stengel adds. “I promise you it will be interesting, fun, and rewarding.”
Wikileaks also revealed an email from Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer, which detailed his concerns with a perceived Russian threat.
“Putin is little more than a schoolyard bully, so if he refuses to back down, we must bring Europe in as part of an aggressive solution,” Schumer wrote to Amy Pascal, a senior executive with Sony. “Sanctions have already hurt him, and the threats of expelling Russia from the World Trade Organization and forbidding it from hosting the next World Cup give us a strong hand.”
Of course, the knowledge of close coordination between Hollywood and the US government is nothing new. As David Sirota points out in his book, Back to Our Future, a conflict of interest has existed for years.
“The Pentagon – and it’s very open about this – the Pentagon will line edit screenwriters scripts that are about the military if those screenwriters and the studios want to have access to be able to photograph planes, or tanks, or aircraft carriers,” Sirota said during an interview with RT.
Giving the example of 1986’s Top Gun, Sirota notes that the “filmmakers of that movie submitted their script to Pentagon editors, for the Pentagon to line edit it to make sure it was perfectly mimicking what the Pentagon wanted it to say.”
I doubt the Jews of Hollywood really need much encouragement to launch a propaganda war against Christian anti-homo Russia. They launch a propaganda war on anything that supports traditional White values, so Russia was a target by default.