Daily Stormer
March 2, 2014
Wikipedia has slightly expanded its entry on Pravy Sektor (“Right Sector”) to include an “ideology” section.

It begins by telling us that they have pledged allegiance to the Jews, and then goes on to say they want “democracy.” Making one wonder why they didn’t simply wait for the next election, instead of overthrowing a man who was democratically elected and already 3/4ths of the way through his term.
And they love diversity, and aren’t “xenophobic” – unless you’re Russian.
Though people can of course say “oh, Wikipedia – Jews,” this entry is in fact quite accurate, in that it gives all the information we have on Pravy Sektor. No one from that organization has made any statements, other than these ones made to the Israeli ambassador, about what they actually believe. The interview that Yarosh did with Time, he claimed that they were vaguely against the EU, but now they are apparently supporting it – or at least supporting a government which places entry into the EU as its highest priority.

Basically, the only reason we have to believe that these people have anything at all to do with “fascism” is that the media has called them that, and the media has called them that because of the t-shirts they are wearing. Oh, and one of them made a statement against the Jews in 2007.
How bizarre it is that people were throwing support behind these men, without even knowing anything about who they are or what their goals are. Knowing only that they liked their t-shirts. These people popped up out of nowhere in November and just started burning down Kiev. It is rather clear that the entire thing was setup by Jews in order to harness the rage of the youth with the use of powerful symbols.