Wikipedia Explains the Difference Between Black Pride, Gay Pride, Asian Pride and White Pride

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 8, 2016


There is a big difference here, goyim.

Learn it.

Black Pride:

Black pride is a movement in response to dominant white cultures and ideologies that encourages black people to celebrate black culture and embrace their African heritage. In the United States, it was a direct response to white racism especially during the Civil Rights Movement.

Gay Pride:

Gay pride or LGBT pride is the positive stance against discrimination and violence toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people to promote their self-affirmation, dignity, equality rights, increase their visibility as a social group, build community, and celebrate sexual diversity and gender variance. Pride, as opposed to shame and social stigma, is the predominant outlook that bolsters most LGBT rights movements throughout the world.

Asian Pride:

In the United States, Asian pride is a slogan primarily used by Asian separatist, Asian nationalists, and Asian pride organizations to signal their viewpoints. The term arose from influences of hip hop culture within Asian American communities in the Western United States due to the creation of an Asian American pan-ethnicity (the concept was influenced in the late 20th century due to the influence of publications such as Yolk and Giant Robot magazines) that did not specify a specific ethnicity (such as Vietnamese, or Hmong). Younger Asian Americans are finding strength from their Asian identity.

White Pride:

White pride is a motto primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints.

The reason for the discrepancy?

White people are naturally evil.

Born that way.