Will Joy Reid Go Down for Anti-Faggot Jihad?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 28, 2018

Lying about the whole thing in such a stupid way seems to have actually helped her cause, as it makes people feel sorry for her, being that she is such a dumb nigger.

CBS News:

MSNBC’s Joy Reid, under fire for homophobic language in old blog posts, apologized Saturday for any past comments that belittled or mocked the LGBTQ community and says she hasn’t been able to verify her claim that her account was hacked.

Reid opened her weekend show “AM Joy” by acknowledging she has said “dumb” and “hurtful” things in the past. “The person I am now is not the person I was then,” she said. But she was unable to explain blog posts from a decade ago that mocked gay people and individuals who were allegedly gay. Reid has denied posting them altogether but says security experts she hired who looked into whether she had been a hacking victim found no proof.

I genuinely do not believe I wrote those hateful things because they are completely alien to me. But I can definitely understand, based on things I have tweeted and have written in the past, why some people don’t believe me,” she said.

“I have not been exempt for being dumb or cruel or hurtful to the very people I want to advocate for. I own that. I get it. And for that I am truly, truly sorry.”

So now she’s admitting it’s all true, and thereby admitting the stupid lie, and just hoping “but I’m black tho” lets her keep her career.

It probably will.