Ingram Daily
October 27, 2014

Barack Hussein Obama is covering all bases in his pursuit to import foreign diseases to America.
So if Ebola doesn’t get us, Cholera will… Or Chikungunya fever, or any other third-world disease he’s getting ready to bring us with his plan to bring over 100,000 Haitians to America.
How enriching!
It’s already well-known that Obama issued an executive order which will allow 100,000 Haitians to come here beginning 2015.
What’s NOT well-known, however, is that over 500,000 Haitians came down with Cholera during the last outbreak in 2010… And although that number is down [at this point], there’s still an awful lot of Cholera to go around.
Haiti was even responsible for “enriching” Cuba and Venezuela with Cholera… And those countries had a very difficult time dealing with the outbreak.
Cholera used to be a very rare disease in the United States, but there’s been an increase in diagnosed cases, during the Obama years…. Thanks largely to his third-world “enrichment” plan during his presidency.
As for Chikungunya fever…it’s not usually a deadly disease, but it’ll kick the crap out of you SO BAD…you’ll wish you were dead.
Bottom line: Start saving up those sick days…Cause by the time Obama’s done, you’ll need them.