Will Pope Fall Due to Ardent Support for Boy-Fucking?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2018

When he isn’t sucking on nigger-toes, the Pope enjoys fucking pubescent boys and helping his friends do the same.

The evil Anti-Pope Francis has promoted anal sex with men, the Islamic invasion of Europe and abortion. But it appears that he will be brought down by routine defense of boy-fucking.

The media at first tried to cover it up, given that they support man-on-man anal, Islamic jihad, abortion and grown men fucking pubescent boys. But it is getting out of hand now. People are mad.

And all the WaPo’s kikes can do is insinuate that the Archbishop made the whole thing up as part of a vast right-wing conspiracy.

Washington Post:

For some, the accusations sending tremors through the Catholic Church are a concerted and dubious attack by ultraconservatives on Pope Francis. For others, the accusations are a credible attempt to expose the depths of the Vatican’s struggle to deal transparently with sexual abuse.

But at the center of the divided church is Francis, whose reputation is being challenged by the unverified accusations that he and other Vatican higher-ups had known for years about the sexual misconduct allegations against a now-resigned cardinal, Theodore McCarrick.

They wouldn’t be unverified if an investigation was opened. Which is what would historically have happened in such a situation, but presently, the media is so adamantly defending Pope Boy-Fucker I that the opening of an investigation is being held off.

One week after the release of a scathing 7,000-word letter from Vatican ex-ambassador Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Vatican watchers say Francis — who has yet to directly address the veracity of the accusations — is facing the greatest challenge of his papacy.

He did address it, saying the words stand for themselves. Which appeared to be an admission.

Some Catholics have criticized him for what they describe as an insufficient response to the crisis. A few bishops have suggested that he call an extraordinary meeting to address sexual abuse in the church. And he faces pivotal decisions about whether to release abuse-related documents or green-light a who-knew-what investigation into McCarrick — with the possibility that such a probe could point fingers back to the Vatican.

“I think he’s aware that the wheels of history are turning,” said Austen Ivereigh, a Francis biographer. “This is a watershed moment, and how he responds — how the entire church responds — is crucial. We could easily go the Trump route where as Catholics we start tearing into one another with mutual allegations. This is what happens at times of tensions. I think he, as the church’s spiritual leader, is trying to guide this as a process — hold the church together.”

The church appears to be completely doomed.

He is the one being accused, outright. And obviously the accusations are true, or he would have denied them and ordered an investigation already.

The Gay Pope is stuck between a cock and a hard dick.

As is the entire church.

Because if he resigns, whoever replaces him is going to have to investigate all of this, and any investigation is going to be impossible to manage, because all kinds of people are going to start coming forward with abuse claims.

The Catholic Church – sorry – has become nothing more than the largest and most powerful wing of the homosexual mafia.

The Archbishop in his letter – full thing here – described these church officials just setting up every church as a brothel, promoting other homosexuals to replace all non-homosexuals.

Unless the media is able to bury this completely – which it looks like they’re not going to be able to do – then the jig is up.

If the Pope wanted to keep his boy-fuck ring going, he never should have fucked with The Leader.

Fucking with Donald Trump has never, ever worked out well for anyone.