Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
November 4, 2014

Former Foreign Secretary William Hague has demanded that sodomy be right at the center of all diplomacy with the rest of the Commonwealth.
He declared this during his speech at an awards ceremony for perverts that was being held at the Houses of Parliament and said that the thing he was most proud of during his time as foreign secretary, was trying to force Uganda to start promoting anal sex.
Luckily for Uganda, they ignored everything he said to them and increased the punishment for buggery instead.
“While we are making progress in Britain and elsewhere, the situation in many countries in the world is not only difficult, it is actually worsening,” he said.“It is completely incompatible with international human rights laws to make illegal consenting same-sex relations and to deny rights to people on the basis of their sexuality.”
Homosexual acts are classed as a criminal offence in around 80 countries and territories around the world including many former British colonies.
“One of my last acts as Foreign Secretary was to write to the Commonwealth Secretary General urging him to use his position to urge member states to live up to their responsibilities to promote the rights of their LGBT citizens,” he said.
“It is shocking that homosexuality is still illegal in so many member states and it must be an important part of our relations with those countries to persuade them to do better.”
Mr Hague presented a “peer of the year” award to Lord Fowler, who served as Health Secretary under Margaret Thatcher for his work combating HIV and Aids.

The Church of England could not wait to confirm its support for breaking the laws of God and of nature and sent one of their bishops along to join in.
The Rt Rev Alan Wilson, the Bishop of Buckingham said the world would be a better place if Christians spent less time obsessing about the “minutiae of the Book of Leviticus”, which contains passages condemning homosexuality.
Speaking as he prepared to say grace before the meal, he told guests: “I want to say how honoured and privileged I felt to be here tonight knowing that the institution that I represent has not got a glorious record in terms of its dealings with its own LGBT people and the community at large.
“I am ashamed and I need to say that.”
How does he feel about God then, who destroyed an entire city of these perverts for their sin and instituted the death penalty for it?
Is he ashamed of his God too?