Daily Stormer
March 6, 2014

A video has been posted on YouTube featuring two ganstas who claim to be “gangbanging” in Syria.
This seems like some type of weird hoax. But who knows. I guess it could be real.
Either way, it’s pretty darn funny.
From the LA Times:
In an expletive-laced online video, two men say they are Los Angeles gang members who are “gangbanging” in Syria and fighting the “enemigos” in the bloody three-year conflict.
The men identify themselves as “Wino” from the Westside Armenian Power gang and “Creeper” from the Sun Valley GW-13 gang, which has links to the Mexican mafia.
Dressed in camouflage and ammunition vests and holding Kalashnikov rifles in an unknown location, the pair appear more interested in theatrics than ideology.
They fire their weapons in the general direction of the “enemigos” without aiming through the scope or explaining who the “enemigos” are. There is no return fire. They give shout-outs to friends around Los Angeles including Mr. Criminal, a rapper with online videos including one titled “Silver Lake Riders.”
Much of the dialogue during the brief YouTube video involves some sequence of the words: homie, Syria, gangbang and a range of expletives.
On his Facebook profile Wino says he is working with the Syrian army alongside the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, although there is no way to independently verify his claim.
The Glendale Police Department says that Wino is Nersis Kilajian, 31, a Syrian national who was living in the U.S. before being deported in 2012 for a felony offense elsewhere. He had several run-ins with Glendale police, authorities say, for offenses including driving under the influence and receiving stolen property. Various spellings of his name can be found on his criminal record.
Little is known about Creeper, though he appears in several photos on Wino’s Facebook profile that say he has been in Syria. In one online comment, Wino wrote that Creeper had also been deported.
U.S. intelligence officials have said that at least 50 Americans have joined extremist rebel groups fighting to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad. But this could be the first time that people with links to the U.S. say they are fighting on the government’s side.
Assad should open up recruitment offices in every major city in America. We would be killing two birds with one stone – getting non-White criminals out of our country, and helping the heroic Nationalist cause of Jew-Fighter Bashir Assad. Here at the Daily Stormer, we would be more than happy to set up a donation fund to pay for their plane tickets.