Wisconsin: Rid Us of Cuck Ryan! Vote Paul Nehlen!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 8, 2016

We need rid of Paul Ryan.

Thankfully, there is someone running against him, who appears to be a shitlord and TOTAL BRO.

Paul Nehlen is a biker with a Spartan helmet tattoo. He is anti-free trade. He is the type of guy we need in Congress to work with The Leader.

He writes on his campaign website:

TPA/TPP is just the beginning of Paul Ryan’s betrayal. He’s supported numerous policies and measures that are already doing profound damage to this nation’s economy, to our security as citizens, and to our personal freedoms.

Like so many other establishment politicians before him, He’s embraced out-of-control spending via Omnibus spending bills. He’s used budgets to fund dangerous immigration policies that put American lives at risk. He’s voted for bills that compromise our constitutional and civil liberties.

And the list goes on.

How much should we take?

How long should we take it?

I’ve had it.

I hope you have, too.

And I hope you’ll join me in what I believe can be a very powerful movement to push back against the Washington machine by challenging and removing the guy who now pulls many of its levers.

Paul Ryan has betrayed us all.

Together, let’s put a stop to it.


Damn straight.

If you live in Wisconsin, take the time to go out and vote against Paul Ryan.

Even if Ryan isn’t voted out (he likely won’t be), the more votes against him the better. If a significant portion of people vote for Nehlen, it will send a clear message that we are not of a mind to tolerate the cuckoldry we are currently being subjected to. It will also be a big news story.

Basically, there wasn’t enough time between Ryan coming out and attacking The Leader and this primary. But we are moving forward, rapidly. And guys like Nehlen are the future.