Witch-Queen Hillary Took Bribes from ISIS Supporting Corporation

Daily Stormer
August 2, 2016

We got another supply drop of ammunition to use against Hillary, boys!

pepe reloading gun

Prepare your weapons. The meme war is ongoing.

The Canary:

The City of Paris has struck a corporate partnership with French industrial giant, Lafarge, recently accused of secretly sponsoring the Islamic State (Isis or Daesh) for profit.

Documents obtained by several journalistic investigations reveal that Lafarge has paid taxes to the terror group to operate its cement plant in Syria, and even bought Isis oil for years.

Whatever it takes to make a buck, right?

Like they say, you gotta fund a few terrorist groups to make an omelette.


Yet according to the campaign group, SumOfUs, Lafarge is the corporate partner and sand provider to the City of Paris for this summer’s Paris-Plages urban beach event. The project run by Office of the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, will create artificial beaches along the river Seine in the centre and northeast of Paris.

Lafarge also has close ties to Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Apart from being a regular donor to the Clinton Foundation, Clinton herself was a director of Lafarge in the early 1990s, and did legal work for the firm in the 1980s. During her connection to Lafarge, the firm was implicated in facilitating a CIA-backed covert arms export network to Saddam Hussein.

crying of happiness

Thank you, Hillary, for being such a corrupt scumbag. You’re making this too easy.

So… basically… Hillary worked for this company, who funds ISIS, and is now receiving bribes on the regular from them.

God bless Wikileaks.

The documents are all here.


Unlike Dr. Evil, Hillary Clinton is absolutely not funny.

Wow, this Clinton Foundation sure is tied to a bunch of corrupt stuff, isn’t it? In reality, this is still just the tip of the iceberg. Once we dig down, we’ll find a vast criminal enterprise.

Clinton must not only be defeated in the general election. She must pay for her countless crimes.


Prison is a more charitable fate than she deserves.