With Regards to the President’s Iran Rhetoric

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 14, 2017

As you’re probably aware – because the media is flooding the earth with it – Trump made some neocon-tier statements on Iran on Friday.

I’m not following the ins and outs of this.

The Russians and Iran are mad, the Jews and the Saudis are happy.

Even John Kerry (forgot he was still alive) came out and made a statement.

But that is the whole of the situation right now.

Nothing has gone down on paper. No aspect of the Obama deal has been violated. And no specific part of the deal has been directly threatened with a violation.

So the extent of the situation is neocon rhetoric.

With North Korea, nothing ever happened. At least not yet – and the point of this Iran thing appears to be to pivot from North Korea to talking about this.

Remember, this was the part of his rhetoric we didn’t like during the campaign. It was the only part, really – what eventually became certain pro-Israel foreign policy positions (he did start out trying to avoid this, but I guess was eventually convinced that he had to do it).

But here’s the thing: In the last 9 months, very little direct action has been taken. There was that weird Syrian airfield bombing. But that has surely been compensated for by the amount that he’s cut US funding to CIA/ISIS programs in Syria – cuts which have allowed Russia to basically win the war. It is now almost over.

Hillary Clinton was campaigning on shooting down Russian jets in Syria to protect ISIS, and more than once implied American troops sent in to help ISIS defeat Assad.

Clearly, “he’s not as bad as Hillary would have been” is not a great argument all the time, but when you look at the extreme dichotomy between what she would be doing now – we’d be in open war with Russia – and what Trump is doing, it is useful.

This idea of rhetoric as a distraction is more useful.

He remains our only guy in Washington. Other than a couple of Congressmen. In every situation, it is him against the world, and he is choosing his battles.

Trump has said a lot of things that we don’t like. But the bottom line is, very little that we don’t like he has actually done.

Remember DACA?

When we were all freaking out?

There is no way this is happening.

It was all a ruse.

So keep that in mind when looking at the Iran rhetoric. I’m sure there’s going to be more of it. It is going to reach North Korea levels. But I am reasonably sure that nothing is actually going to happen.

Meanwhile, ICE is rounding up immigrants, the wall is moving forward, visas are being cut, we’re celebrating Columbus Day, the economy is getting better and better with jobs coming back in – there is a whole helluva lot going on that we voted for.

This is not me shilling for Trump. I am not a Trump shill, now that he’s actually President – you guys know that, you saw me think that DACA was happening as well.

But the Bannon plan is being implemented. These cuckold faggots are going to get slaughtered in the mid-terms. We won in Alabama. We are going to keep winning.

That is the only solution here. We have to have a Republican party that backs the agenda we voted for, not a Ben Sasse party that calls our President a traitor for wanting to regulate a conspiracy to undermine the government.