With Russian Theory Disproved, Mueller Says Trump was Probably Funded by Arabs

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 5, 2018

So we found out for certain that there was no Russian influence on the election, that the whole thing was hoaxed by anti-Trump forces, of which Robert Mueller is a representative.

Now Mueller is saying “oh okay, sure – not the Russians. But what about the Arabs? They could be behind Trump’s win.”

Fox News:

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team is now purportedly looking into whether the United Arab Emirates, with perhaps help from a top adviser, tried to gain political influence by putting money into Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign — a tack that would indicate Mueller’s investigation continues to expand beyond whether campaign officials colluded with Russia.

Mueller’s investigators in recent weeks have questioned the adviser, Lebanese-American businessman George Nader, and asked witnesses for information about whether the UAE tried to buy political influence by giving money to the Trump campaign, according to The New York Times.

Nader has been a frequent visitor to the Trump White House. And the president has praised the UAE for the Persian Gulf nation’s efforts to work with the United States on economic issues and squashing terrorism in the region, thanking Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed for his efforts just last week, according to the White House.

Nader has purportedly been an adviser to the crown prince. Axios first reported that Mueller investigators were talking to Nader.

Mueller took over the Justice Department investigation in May 2017. And in recent weeks, he has made several moves that suggest his probe has expanded beyond possible collusion, including charging former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort with alleged tax and bank fraud and indicting 13 Russians in connection with trying to sow political discord during the 2016 elections.

Are we going to go through every country now, and blame all of them for Trump’s win?

All of this is just designed to get around the fact that Trump was elected because he was the better candidate. It was the biggest upset in the history of electoral politics. And they simply do not want to admit that it is possible for something which they had argued was written in the stars to have not gone according to plan.

Clearly, Mueller isn’t going to stop this little game until someone forces him to stop. But Sessions already recused.

Meaning Trump would have to do it himself.