Wizards Claim Golden Dawn Stole Their Name, Vow to Use Magic Against the Party

Greek Reporter
November 19, 2013

Ironically, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn focuses on Jewish mysticism.  The reality is that the name of the party is Greek, "Chrissy Avyi," and comes from a classical poem.
Ironically, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn focuses on Jewish mysticism. The reality is that the name of the party is Greek, “Chrissy Avyi,” and comes from a classical poem.
According to a Belgian newspaper, Golden Dawn stole the name of a British organization. “The secret organization, which includes magicians and occultists, attacked the Greek far-right party claiming that they stole its name.” The subtitle of the article is “The Magic against Golden Dawn” and it was published in the Belgian newspaper La Libre Belgique.

The article reports that: “the Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn or more commonly, the order of Golden Dawn created in 1888 was then divided in smaller organizations.” The newspaper also noted that their ceremonies inspired known authors like B. Stocker (Dracula) and William Butler Yeats.

Like every secret organization, the Order had not registered its name. So now, it does not have the legal power to make Golden Dawn change its name. According to the article, they support that they have nothing in common with the far-right Greek party, although some elements show the opposite.

The article also noted that “to the extent that the magic cannot force the Greek party to change its name, the magicians turn to the Internet,” in which, as mentioned in the article, “the images with the Nazi salute replaced the images with the cabalistic ceremonies in “google images” and through open letters they claim the exclusivity of the name.”