Woke Ass Nigga Takes Jew Cracka to Task on New York Subway

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 29, 2018

Jews appear to be having some serious trouble retaining elite status in the multicultural utopia they’ve created.

In the above video recorded on some New York subway line, the Jew who filmed it – and apparently thought it was a good idea to upload it to the internet – begins by barking out lithping threats to a Black man, reminding him that he’s untouchable because of the “Jew cap” on his head. As the woke Black Kang yells “muh dik” at him, the Jew keeps threatening him with litigation and Hate Crime charges.

“Thith ith a hate crime!”, he cries as he continues threatening the confused and cornered silverback.

It gets tense when the Kang starts losing the little emotional control he has and calls the kike a “faggot Jew cracka” right to his face, so close that you can almost feel the nigger spit flying into the hebe’s face.

The Jew blinks and backs down, allowing the Black to get off at the next stop while he has the upper hand. Believe it or not, the Kang showed remarkable restraint – you could see that he was worried the whole time… probably because he was well aware of the near untouchable status that Jews have in American society.

Near the end of the video, the Jew starts pushing/bossing around another guy – who appears to be a local Italian – and demanding that the people on the subway car help him find his lost “Jew cap [sic].”

“Where’s my Jew cap?” the Jew repeatedly demands of the various multicultural goyim on the diversity train.

Instead of getting the help he thought he would receive from the peons, the people in the wagon universally rounded on him and told him to stop holding the doors of the car open.

Squealing his dismay, he holds the wagon up for an inordinately long amount of time by refusing to let the door close (which is some kind of crime in itself) as the remaining Latinos, Asians and mixed-looking people all tell him to shut the fuck up and leave them in peace.

It was a beautiful sight to see, the Jew’s pets all turning against him together like that.

His aggressive victim posturing won him no favor from the lumpenproles who saw through his Jewish tricks.

The people applaud as the Jew backs down and is forced to let the doors of the wagon close, his outrage all for naught.

There is a lesson to be learned here: the Jew’s power lies in getting others to fight for him. 

All the time, he is threatening the Kang with lawyers and social media attention and cops. He never once says that he himself will fight the Kang and let G-d decide who is right. And then, when that fails, he tries to rile up the other passengers to do his dirty work for him.

Mwah… perfection.

Truly, a fascinating display of Jewry caught in the wild. 

Editor’s Note:

Blacks as a culture in New York are well aware that attacking a Jew is much more serious than attacking a member of any other race. I assume this is a big part of why Jews in the city are so much more likely to wear yarmulkes and other signifiers of their Jewishness than Jews who live in less diverse areas of the country.

The Israeli documentary “Defamation” about Jewish power in America featured interviews with blacks in Brooklyn Heights saying they won’t try to rob Jews both because they know they don’t carry money and they don’t want to get charged with hate crimes.

Timestamped here: