America denied the woke agenda in the 2024 election, voting in Donald Trump to vaccinate people against the woke mind virus at warp speed.
Biden, the former Wokester-in-Chief, is staying woke and joining up with some woke voodoo niggers who support his multiple gender theory.
He’s going for the 33rd degree of wokeness.
Former US President Joe Biden, a self-professed Catholic, has joined an African-American Masonic lodge as a ‘Master Mason’. The Vatican takes a dim view of Freemasonry, and Catholics who join the fraternal order face excommunication.
Biden was inducted into the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge in South Carolina on Sunday, one day before he left office. In a private ceremony, the lodge’s grand master, Victor C. Major, granted Biden “Master Mason membership with full honors,” according to a statement published by the organization last weekend that circulated online on Friday.
”To be a Freemason is to be part of a brotherhood dedicated to personal growth, service to others, and the pursuit of knowledge and truth,” the lodge wrote. Biden’s service, the statement added, “reflects the core values” of this brotherhood.
More like the pursuit of covid lockdowns and trannies.
The Freemasons are Woke, Inc.
Biden AKA Brandon is so woke he thinks niggers built the pyramids and he’s trying to get some of that power.
Unfortunately for him, facts don’t care about your feelings, and the pyramids were built by Aryan master race patriots.
Biden claims to be an Irish Catholic, but he’s pure woke.
Biden has not publicly acknowledged joining the ranks of the Prince Hall Masons. However, his membership in the organization stands at odds with his Catholic faith.
Pope Clement XII forbade Catholics from practicing Freemasonry in 1738, and this papal ban remained in place until 1983, when the Vatican issued a new order banning membership in organizations that “plot against the Church.” While the new order did not explicitly name Freemasonry, it maintained excommunication as a potential punishment for Catholics who join such organizations.
”The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion,” Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who would go on to become Pope, declared at the time.
Biden will find some woke faggot priest to give him communion. At least until patriots remove the wokesters from the Church.
The Freemasons do woke satanic voodoo, and when it’s the niggers doing it, it goes ultra-woke.
The niggers are still some of the wokest on the block, although the woke kikes have them beat.
I might send Biden some merch to try to redpill him.
He’s probably too bluepilled to ever stop being woke, but it would be a laugh if he accidentally wore the shirt and redpilled some people with it.
You can pick up your own copy of that shirt at or at your local Barnes and Noble.