Woke Councilman Who Blew the Whistle on Jew Weather Control Donated to Farrakhan Event

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 23, 2018

The official nigger of the Alt-Right – or perhaps I should say, “the official distinguished colored gentleman of the Alt-Right” – doesn’t give a fuck.

He blew the whistle on the kike plot to control the weather, then when they told him he had to go to the Holohoax museum over it he went and praised the Nazis and then dipped out early to wander around in the parking lot.

He is now being berated by the kikes for donating to a Louis Farrakhan event.

The Jews simply cannot grasp that this nigga just don’t give a fuck.

Washington Free Beacon:

D.C. City Councilman Trayon White Sr. (D.) donated to an event in Chicago where National of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan again denounced Jews.

White donated $500 from his constituent services account to the Chicago event known as “Saviours’ Day,” the Washington Post reports. Campaign finance law dictates that the constituent services account’s privately-raised funds must be used on D.C. residents.

White denied knowing about the payment. However, the account’s treasurer, Darryl Ross, said otherwise.

“He said to me, ‘I want you to make a payment to the Nation of Islam for Saviours’ Day,’” Ross told the Post. “So I went on the website to get the information I needed in order to make the payment.”

In all seriousness though.

Leftist anti-Semitism, whether it is this black guy or Jeremy Corbyn, is always good for us.

Because leftism, rightism – whatever.

Once we take care of the Jews, we can figure all of that out.

And the more pressure the Jews are under from all sides, the more erratic their behavior becomes.