Woke Nigga Tariq Nasheed Planning to Storm “E3 2018” White Supremacist Conference

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
June 2, 2018

We might fool the average coon, but not Tariq Nasheed.

After the decline of Richard Spencer’s NPI conference, White supremacists have rallied around videogames as the “last bastion of implicit White identity.” As such, they have embraced the “video game” convention E3 as a new gathering point for like-minded racists.

E3 is widely known to stand for “Erase Every Ethnic.”

This was accomplished by changing E3’s rules, and allowing the “general public” to attend.

Brown people were to be excluded by high ticket prices.

We had managed to keep this secret until now. All was good.

But unfortunately, WOKE nigga Tariq Nasheed has cracked the code and is onto us.

And we’d have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for this meddling nigger!

He was alarmed to our plans after a spat with famous White supremacist Ice Poseidon (whose name is related to our desire for Winter chan to freeze all refugees, and for migrant boats to sink to the bottom of the ocean).

Pretty hardcore tbh.

Ice Poseidon is, like many of us, streaming video games as a cover for his Alt-Right activism.

This tipped off Nasheed to the global phenomenon of White racial activists organizing under the guise of electronic entertainment.

Now, he’s planning on stopping our event with support from his followers.

This, of course, is a disaster, and cannot be allowed to happen.

Luckily, 4chan is already on the case, flooding Nasheed’s feed with fake “uncle Tom” accounts trying to talk him out of it, claiming that E3 isn’t a White supremacist convention.

All readers are encouraged to join in on this effort to dissuade Nasheed from attending our White supremacist conference, thereby ruining it.

On the upside, an anonymous source has informed me that E3 is now selling tickets only to White people in order to maintain order. However, it’s unclear how such a thing would prevent Blacks from simply forcing their way in and rampaging around, doxing our activists in the process.

Those of you who are attending should disguise yourselves as ordinary members of the gaming press, just to be on the safe side. Or at least, as innocent neckbeard “gamers.”

Nasheed is definitely not someone we want messing around in our events.

He’s some kind of “Black Nazi,” espousing a virulent form of Black nationalism.

Definitely not a swastika. *Wink, wink.*

If we can’t organize, even under the cover of video gaming, then that definitely rings the death knell of White supremacy in America. Our E3 event must go on as planned, and for that, Tariq Nasheed must be stopped.