Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2015

Support for the position that women are not suited for leading roles due to their biology and character has come from a most unlikely place.
Female CEO Cheryl Rios, who runs the company Go Ape Marketing in Texas, went online to explain:
A female CEO from Texas is under fire this week for saying that a woman cannot be president because of her ‘hormones.’
Cheryl Rios, who runs the company Go Ape Marketing, posted her views on her Facebook page on Sunday after Hillary Clinton announced that she was going to run for president.
‘With the hormones we have, there is no way [a woman] should be able to start a war,’ she wrote in her post.
‘Yes I run my own business and I love it and I am great at it BUT that is not the same as being the President, that should be left to a man, a good, strong, honorable man,’ she told CBS.
Rios said that she supports equal rights for men and women but thinks that, ‘there’s an old biblical sound reasoning why a woman shouldn’t be president.’
Rios did not reference any biblical verse.

As usual when people speak the truth, she received a barrage of criticism for voicing the blindingly obvious, with some brainwashed clowns even calling her a misogynist.
‘Your lack of knowledge of strong women leaders in history baffles me and your position as a CEO makes it so much worse,’ wrote mdj20000 on Twitter.
‘You’re the dumbest person I’ve ever had to read about in the news. I wish I could have those 3 minutes back of my life,’ Tweeted Chloe Bender.
Rios responded to the venom on Twitter by posting, ‘Will say this and leave it at that. I believe in what I believe. In this great country we are allowed our own opinions.’
Rios said that she doesn’t think that women should be ‘abused’ and thinks they can make a ‘great lawyer or doctor’ but not a president of the country.
‘I didn’t say that women should be abused, or that they are stupid or can’t be lawyers, doctors or run successful businesses, I fully know and support that they can as I have done that. I mentioned one position only the Head of our government, the Head of State, the Commander in Chief, the President. With that, please stop the nastiness as it wasn’t meant in that light. Peace, Love and Happiness,’ she said.