Woman Found ‘Painted in Blood From Head to Toe’ After Being Beaten, Raped and Nearly Thrown Overboard by Non-White

NY Daily News
March 5, 2014

Ketut Pujayasa, 28, a former Holland America cruise worker, allegedly confessed to raping and trying to throw a passenger overboard on Valentine's Day during a cruise that left Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Ketut Pujayasa a former Holland America cruise worker, allegedly confessed to raping and trying to throw a passenger overboard on Valentine’s Day during a cruise that left Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

A Florida court has heard how a cruise ship passenger was found “painted in blood from head to toe” after being beaten, raped and nearly thrown overboard allegedly by a Holland America crew member.

Prosecutors say Ketut Puhayasas, 28, snuck into the bedroom of a 31-year-old woman enjoying a week-long cruise from Fort Lauderdale and carried out his sick Valentine’s Day attack, the Sun Sentinel reported.

What happened next was a scene described as nothing short of a horror movie, according to Assistant U.S. Attorney Francis Viamontes.

“Every witness who saw her said she was completely covered in blood,” he told the court during a federal bond hearing Wednesday, the Sentinel reported.

Viamontes described the ship’s emergency room physician as having never “seen such a violent attack” in his 40 years on the job.

Puhayasas allegedly told authorities that the pre-meditated attack was in revenge for a comment the woman had made earlier in the day.

“Wait a minute, son of a bitch!” the woman allegedly shouted from behind her bedroom door after hearing Puhayasas knocking with her breakfast that morning.

It was around 7 a.m. on Feb. 13 when he knocked on her door three times to get her attention.

Pujayasa said he tried to kill the 31-year-old woman and dump her body over the ship, not pictured, when a fellow passenger knocked on the woman's door to help. He allegedly then escaped out a balcony.
Pujayasa said he tried to kill the 31-year-old woman and dump her body over the ship, not pictured, when a fellow passenger knocked on the woman’s door to help. He allegedly then escaped out a balcony.

Puhayasas, an Indonesian citizen, argued that he doesn’t ordinarily take criticisms personally, but an attack on his family drew the line.

He admitted to FBI agents of trying to kill the woman in revenge for the bad mouthing of his mother.

“He made it very clear that he is not easily insulted, that you can call him whatever you want, but that it is not OK to disrespect his family,” FBI Agent David Nunez testified.

The 28-year-old reportedly smashed her with a laptop and a curling iron while he beat her. The perv then used the curling iron cord and phone cord to choke the woman and silence her screams, the Sun Sentinel reported.

The woman bit the twisted attendant’s hand “then continued to fight for her life by all means available including striking Pujayasa’s exposed genitals as well as utilizing a corkscrew in an attempt to stab him,” Pujayasa reportedly told the FBI.

It was another passenger knocking on the woman’s door that spooked Puhayasa, moments before he planned to dump her off the ship’s balcony to eliminate any evidence.

Instead he fled out of the woman’s balcony and into another room before vanishing.

The victim used the free moment to dash wildly out of the room. Another passenger reported seeing her in only a tank top and covered in blood.

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