Woman Robbed and Pistol Whipped in Her Driveway

Daily Stormer
July 31, 2017

Zyon Crosby.

They do it because of microaggressions.


Police arrested one of four people who they said robbed and assaulted a woman outside of her home near Fewell Park in Rock Hill.

“I got out of the car, and shut the door, and they were there, right under my carport,” she said.

The woman told Channel 9 that three of them watched while one man pointed a gun at her, then got her purse. She said she tried to run, but was hit in the head with the gun.

“He kept hitting me, again and again. I thought he would end me,” the victim said. “He kept saying something to me, but I don’t know what he said.”

The suspects got her purse, which she said, had $84 in it, and left her bleeding on the ground

Rock Hill police believe the suspects were walking from house to house, breaking into cars, at least a half dozen of the, on Winthrop Drive. The victim was coming home from the store, they saw an opportunity and decided to rob her, investigators believe.

Police arrested 17-year-old Jer’ Michael Davis. He’s charged with armed robbery, burglary and five of the car break-ins. His bond was denied Friday afternoon.

I’m starting to think there may be more to this blacks and crime thing.

After the bond hearing, Davis spoke to a Rock Hill police officer and asked him to tell the victim he was sorry for what happened.

She had no reaction to his apology.

Sheeit lady he said he wuz sorry n shit what mo’ could you want?

Such a rude lady smh.