Woman Watches White Friend Die After Negro Stabs Him in the Neck

News 3LV
September 25, 2015

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Patricia Quale watched the victim die in her arms, after an irate Negro stabbed him to death.

A Las Vegas woman says she held her dying friend after he was attacked Monday afternoon in a homeless camp.

The stabbing occurred just before 2:10 p.m. near Owens Avenue and Sandhill Road. The victim was taken to UMC, where he died.

Metro Homicide Lt. Dan McGrath says a piece of glass was used to stab the victim, a white man in his 50s, in the neck. Police say the suspect is a black man in his 40s with a medium build. He is 5-foot-9, 180 pounds and has facial hair. Detectives believe the suspect is also homeless.

The victim’s former girlfriend, Patricia Quale, says she was visiting him at his camp when he got into an argument with another man about stealing money. She says they started throwing things at each other, and then they went out of her view. The next thing she knew, he was badly hurt.

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Police are looking for a Black in his forties.

“He came crawling up to where I was sitting and said, ‘Help me,’ and I saw the wound from his neck gushing out blood,” she said. “So I grabbed the first thing I could find, which was a jacket, and was holding it to his neck.”

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