Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 13, 2015

A female marriage supporter is attacking American men for remaining unmarried, as if this is some sort of plot against women.
Janice Shaw Crouse, author of “Marriage Matters,” says men are refusing to grow up.
My research indicates that from a low of just over 19 percent in 1966, the proportion of all men ages 20 to 54 who are unmarried is now more than one-half.
Among younger men 20 to 34, more than 70 percent are now unmarried, compared with just under 30 percent in this age group in the mid-1960s at the onset of the sexual revolution.
To hard-core radical feminists, this may represent a positive development—not a bug but a feature, as we say in the computer age.
But to the millions of children growing up in fatherless homes aching for a connection to their biological father, it’s another story altogether, a lonely painful story.
Even liberal scholars have pretty much given up trying to paper over the exorbitant costs and consequences of raising children without a father.
Thus, year by year more and more younger men whose biological age should normally predispose them to take up the responsibilities of job, wife and family — activities which build society — are occupying themselves with computer games, pornography, hook-ups and otherwise wasting their potential to contribute and help build a future.
The percentage of unmarried males ages 20 to 54 who are not in the labor force has also more than doubled in the last 15 years.
The growth in this trend of young males forfeiting the opportunity/responsibility to contribute to society and living a parasitic existence (along with the associated increases in unwed childbearing and single-mother households) cannot be sustained indefinitely, and must at some point reach an upper limit as the weight of the unproductive becomes too much for society to sustain.
Though I would agree with Janice 100% that men not getting married is a serious problem, it is utterly insane to blame men for this situation. That she goes on to insult us and call us failures is beyond the pale.
Listen to me, woman: feminism is what ended marriage in America. There was no other cause. All other factors which exist now are a result of feminism.

Currently, not getting married is a perfectly adult decision, given that the most likely result of a marriage is getting abandoned by the wife who steals the kids and all of the money.
The idea that we remain in adolescence is basically true, but that is a result of remaining unmarried – not the other way around.
In order for marriage to make sense again, feminism must be abolished completely. That means we must remove women from male workplaces, we must outlaw “no fault” divorce and we must stop talking about “women’s rights” and the idiot conspiracy theory that women were oppressed all throughout history before the 1960s. We should probably also take away their “right” to vote.
Now, granted, feminism is men’s fault. They should never have allowed it. And the fact that they did allow it ultimately proves, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that it is a hoax. If this alleged patriarchy conspiracy actually existed, it would have arrested Jew Steinem as soon as she began to implement her plot to destroy society.

So, it is not completely unfair what this woman is saying, and she does appear to be hinting at the idea it is men’s responsibility to put women back in their place, to take control of this situation.
The basic problem is that this is impossible short of complete and total revolution. This genie is out of the bottle and you would literally just have to create a completely new society.
But it is much easier to just blame men and claim they are refusing to grow up.