Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 15, 2014

Along with crying racism, one of the most lucrative money-schemes in the Western world is accusing men – particularly rich men – of rape.
Such recently happened to folk singer Conor Oberst, when a woman, Joanie Faircloth/Joan Elizabeth Harris, posted a comment on the goofy feminist site xojane claiming that the singer had raped her and taken her virginity when she was 16.
She said it happened backstage at a concert in North Carolina in 2003.
She says she made the story because of emotional problems, which is generally the reason that women commit crimes. That, and they want money.
Here is the full notarized statement:
“The statements I made and repeated online and elsewhere over the past six months accusing Conor Oberst of raping me are 100% false. I made up those lies about him to get attention while I was going through a difficult period in my life and trying to cope with my son’s illness. I publicly retract my statements about Conor Oberst, and sincerely apologize to him, his family, and his fans for writing such awful things about him. I realize that my actions were wrong and could undermine the claims of actual sexual assault victims and for that I also apologize. I’m truly sorry for all the pain that I caused.”
We have a system in America wherein women are both considered “equal” and also considered completely helpless victims who are totally incapable of regulating their own behavior or defending themselves from men, who basically all just want to abuse them to make themselves feel better.
The law, and the public, always sides with the women, and so they are able to invent such stories as follow the false narrative – that they are always victims, that men are always abusers – whenever they feel like it.
Women should be protected in society from men who would do them harm – of course they should be. But such protections only make sense if they too take some degree of responsibility for their own behavior. Going into a back room with a rock star after a concert and not planning to have sex is irresponsible in the first place, and no one should take seriously a woman who says she was “raped” in that situation. This turns the whole concept of rape into a joke, wherein women who actually are the victims of rape – that is, someone grabs them off the street, or drugs them – are mocked by this new and weird definition of rape.
This “date rape” is also generally impossible to prove, which is why so many fake allegations are lodged.
Conor Oberst’s new album is called “Upsidedown Mountain.” It’s pretty good.