“Woman” Who Pepper Sprayed White People in NYC Revealed to be Buck-to-Sow Tranny

Thomas “Tasha” Heard.


Of course.

*Honk!* *Honk!*

NBC News:

A woman has been charged with multiple hate crime felonies and misdemeanors following a series of pepper spray attacks in New York City.

Tasha Heard was arrested Saturday evening in connection with at least two separate attacks, though police were reportedly questioning her about several other similar incidents.

In one alleged incident, Heard, who is black is accused of approaching a white couple in their 50s on Friday afternoon while they shopped in the Bronx. She reportedly told the couple she hated white people before assaulting them.

“They were approached by the defendant who kicked both victims and sprayed a substance in their face,” an NYPD spokesperson stated in an email.

The defendant approached a 30-year-old male and a 24-year-old female, asked them if they were white and displayed a sharp object causing fear,” the NYPD stated. “The female victim was sprayed in the face with an unknown substance causing redness, burning and discomfort.”

Court documents did not list an attorney for Heard, who is transgender and referred to in official documents and police reports by her legal first name, Thomas.