Women Should Shut the Fuck Up

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 8, 2017

I have tolerated certain females in the Alt-Right, even though I did not agree with it. It has always been the policy of this site to not allow women to contribute, and to encourage that policy for the movement generally. My reasoning has been simple: no political movement has ever involved women because politics are the realm of men and women who attempt to infiltrate male realms do so generally to seek attention (money secondarily), and they are able to maximize attention on themselves by creating conflict between men.

This is the same reasoning behind the decision by men, throughout the entire history of Western civilization before the last century, to prohibit women from being involved in public life.

If I had lived 100 years ago, maybe I would have been interested in the idea of liberating women just to see what would happen. I doubt it, but maybe I would have been swayed by the argument of “look, we’ve never tried this before – it could work.” However, now it has been tried, it has been the greatest disaster in all of history, and it feels to me that people who wish to see it continue must be severely psychologically damaged, benefit from it financially in some way or have malicious intent.

Unshockingly, we now have a situation where females who have been given a voice in far right internet circles are following the #metoo sisterhood, and whining about how men should be doing more for them. Of course, originally, they entered under the pretext that they were going to be “just like one of the guys.”

The purpose, of course, is to draw attention to themselves, to cause white knights to rally around, to cause men to fight over them.

Those of you in the Alt-Right playing into this are as low as any bugman VICE reporter.

You are the alt-bugman.

What Must be Done Here

If a woman says she is going to “leave the movement” because she’s not getting respect, tell her to get the fuck out.

Then ignore.


More importantly, attack the faggot males supporting them. That is why they are getting power. They are stupid, they do not have ideas, they enter male spaces only to gain attention and destroy the concept of male spaces. Then they claim you’re a wimp or a homosexual if you don’t accept it.

Well, they’re not playing that shit on me – because I have a fucking spine.

You little worms bending to this do not.

You are lower than insects.

You should not be able to look into the mirror without crying.

You are the ones that make me sick.

These whores are just whores being whores.

Against Camwhore Nationalism

Women offer nothing to the Alt-Right other than camwhoring. Because women are stupid as shit. They don’t have ideas.

They listen to men’s ideas, then repeat them on video, with varying degrees of sexiness. Mostly, this is watched by men who already believe what is on the videos, because they like to pretend the female is their girlfriend (even if they don’t consciously know they’re doing that, that is the psychological process involved – the subconscious mind doesn’t have a function to process the concept that a person on an LED screen in front of you is not actually in front of you, talking directly to you). And yes, they masturbate to these videos.

The argument is that “new people will be brought into the movement” by these whores because they will click on a video with a woman and realize how smart she is. I have repeatedly called bullshit on this. No one – not even bugmen – genuinely believe women have something important or interesting to say. Sure, it is technically possible that they click on a video and hear something cited as a fact and Google it. But 99% of the clicks on these “trad chick” videos are regular watchers who are involved in a fantasy involving the girl. That is who is watching the videos, that is who is doing the donating.

The donating – look. Men have a desire to give money to women. It is an actual biological drive.

There is a dopamine rush when you go out with a woman and she tries to pay for her coffee or drinks and you insist she puts away her wallet. This is basic primitive behavior. It’s the same dopamine rush cavemen got laying a stag at the feet of a woman.

“I have killed an animal, I will feed it to this female, she will give me access to her vagina through which I can reproduce my genes.”

This is followed by: “she is my vessel of reproduction and the keeper of those I will produce, my duty is to defend.”

It is a fundamental aspect of male identity – nigh the most fundamental, second only to his ability to be accepted and valued by the men of the tribe – to be able to provide materially for and physically protect a woman.

NOTE: In fact, a woman knows that it is emasculating to a man to not be able to pay for her. And it is a shit test for her to attempt to pay - she is testing you. Usually I've been pretty good at controlling for skankism, but at least once in my life, I went on a date with a woman who made a big thing of paying - calculating what exactly she ate and calling the waiter over and making him take the money. I left enough money to cover the bill and a generous tip on the table and got up and walked out. I refused to see her again (and believe me, she wanted to). Of course, that situation is only possible under feminism, where the state, through welfare and affirmative action programs, forcibly transfers male wealth to females.

Just so, it is a woman’s biological function to receive these resources. A bitch gotta eat, and she sure as fuck isn’t killing a deer herself. Just as she sure as fuck isn’t coming up with any interesting ideas today.

This camwhore situation, and the amount of money these women are making by leeching off of a political movement, as you fight to protect them, is a perversion of basic biological drives.

But I don’t blame these whores. I blame you, bro. You’re the one with the ability to rationally reflect on your biological drives and alter your behavior accordingly.


The alt-bugman response is always that I am “alienating women” and that “we need them in the movement.”

It is the worst form of snakelike Freudian horseshit to call someone who questions women’s right to influence a male space a homosexual or otherwise question their masculinity. It is horseshit because it is a lie. But if we are going to psychoanalyze people over their positions on this issue, then let me tell you something: when you say “if we don’t pander to women, we will alienate them,” you are effectively screaming “I AM A MAN-VIRGIN” to anyone who knows shit about women.

And you all know that. It’s your life. You know what’s going on in it. Maybe you’re not literally a virgin – maybe you’ve had one or two girlfriends, maybe you’ve gotten lucky on a drunk bitch a few times, but you are not Chad. If you were Chad, you would know that the interest of women has a direct inverse correlation to your interest in them.

There is also a conflation by Alt-Right feminists between camwhores and women who support the movement – the term “women in the movement” applies to both. Obviously, maximizing the number of women who support the movement should be a goal. Not a top goal – that is, not a goal that we sacrifice other more pressing priorities for – but something we should be aware of. Clearly, the easiest way to do this is by having the men in the Alt-Right have girlfriends and wives. Unless the bitch is a filthy godless whore and the man a complete cuck and their relationship on the highway to collapse, women will take on the political beliefs of a permanent partner. To that point, if we were extremely concerned about “women in the movement,” we would be doing two things:

  • Helping guys already in the movement get girlfriends and wives
  • Directing messaging more toward men who already have girlfriends and wives (we have more single men than partnered men in the movement)

But the assumption is always “single female supporters,” which demonstrates how fucking dishonest the alt-bugmen are. Just as dishonest as any other form of male feminist pervert. They are trying to use the movement as a singles club, rather than an engine of political revolution. Of course, if you could pin down a male Alt-Right feminist – protip: you can’t, because they are slimy, gelatinous creatures – they would claim that “it can be both” – I am saying no, it can’t be both, and if you can’t already meet women, you aren’t going to be able to meet women in our political movement.

But okay.


Let’s talk about single women.

This website, The Daily Stormer, where my official position on women is “they deserve to be locked in cages,” has more single young female readers than any other Alt-Right site. That is an empirical fact.

This is because women are drawn to political ideologies that don’t pander to them for the same reasons they are drawn to individual men who don’t pander to them:

  • They are interested in gaining acceptance from men who don’t immediately offer it
  • Not acting as though you need women is a sign you have something to offer women
  • A lack of pandering is a sign of strength, meaning that you would be able to provide good genes and physical resources
  • Women in their sexual prime – white women in particular – tend to have a sexual fixation with men who either are or are perceived as dangerous and potentially violent, rather than kind and caring

If you don’t already know all that, you are not doing well with women in your personal life, and what you are trying to do by promoting them in the Alt-Right is trying to increase your chances of getting laid by applying your failed personal seduction strategy to a political movement.

And it is fucking pathetic.

I see this shit on social media, and this is what it looks like to me:

That is you, alt-bugman.

You are something which is fundamentally repulsive on a visceral level to emotionally developed, self-respecting adult males.

Leftism and the Single Skank: A Hard Wall of Material Resource Reality

As long as the political left has the ability to use force to take the resources of men and hand them over to women, single women are overwhelmingly going to support the political left.

That’s a hard fact.

There is a small amount of wiggle room, of course. But the only appeal you are going to be able to muster is a sex appeal. Not an offer of something. The left already offers everything.

And no – “we’ll give you a male provider so you can settle down and have children” is not an offer. Women already have the option of doing that. All young women in modern society have the option of finding a male of average sexual market value with enough money to pay for them to have children if they were to make a decision to do that. Instead, they chase Chad cock and claim that “men don’t want to commit” – speaking of the high value men who will fuck them one night and then not return their texts. Because they all think they deserve the highest value man available, that he should commit to them, and anything less is not enough.

However, if I’m playing the game and answering the “single female appeal” question: by taking a masculine approach to our political movement, we’re going to maximize the number of women who want to support it – and that appeal INCREASES if we are actively trolling and silencing camwhores who are attempting to infiltrate us to get attention and money, as it is a demonstration of principled masculine strength.

I am right about this and if you disagree with me you are wrong.


The alt-bugmen pushing “women in the movement” have never and will never respond to any of the points I just made, regardless of the fact that I’ve been making the same points for years. They will just keep screaming that I’m “alienating women,” and then question my masculinity. Because they are maggots who do not want to engage in the masculine activity of using logic to come to reasoned conclusions.

When “you’re just a loser who can’t get laid” doesn’t work, they pivot (note: this is a real tweet from an alt-bugman trying to attack me as a #WeakWhiteMan for refusing to embrace female empowerment). 


And look. I’m not trying to shit on betas. I am trying to protect you, as my brothers, just as much as I’m trying to protect this movement.

You had single mothers or weak beta fathers, and you need to recover.

That’s what I’m here to help you with, bro.

You’re not doing yourself any favors by going to bat for these whores.

And it isn’t going to get you laid.

“Pity fucks” by women – which is the only thing you could possibly be going for as a white knight – are largely a myth. They are usually mislabeled “drunk accidental fucks” (which are now being widely mislabeled as “rape,” btw – so be careful out there, white knights).

And I’ll end with this: if you are a beta white knight – and if you are pushing this “women in the movement” horseshit and are older than 14, you are – you need to deal with your testosterone levels.

A human being’s thoughts and emotions exist in a mushy organ that functions on chemicals, and different chemicals being input into this organ produce different thoughts and emotions. That is the entire “bugman” concept – they are pudgy, low-muscle mass wormlike “men,” and this is directly correlated to their worldview.

The basic rule is that fat on your body lowers testosterone levels and muscle on your body increases it. You don’t have to be huge super-muscleman, but getting lean and fit – which is easiest through strength training, and through removing processed foods (especially grains, including beer) from your diet – will make your thoughts and feelings make a lot more sense.

You won’t just get rid of this “need women in the movement” bugman horseshit, but you’ll do better with women in your personal life. You’ll also do better professionally, creatively and just do better at life generally.

A political movement is made up of individuals, and just as I want our political movement to succeed, I want all of you to succeed as individuals. Everything I write here I write with that in mind.

You’re all my brothers, regardless of whether or not you’ve got a bad case of the thirst.

And if you’re thirsty, I know this article was tough. But it is tough love.

We’re all in this together.

Hail Victory.