Women Still Don’t Have to Register for the Draft

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 20, 2016


You wanted to be a man, bitch – now go die in a war!

Feminism has nothing to do with “equality.” It is solely about punishing men for being men, while promoting irate women as our overlords.

The Jews understand how easy it is to manipulate female psychology, and so prefer to have women in all of the power positions. Feminism also necessarily weakens men and boys, a prime goal of the Jew.

The insane female privilege was on display once again recently, when it was again decided that women will not have to register for the draft.

Fox News:

Buckling under conservative pressure, the Republican-led House Rules Committee pulled a legislative sleight of hand and stripped a provision from the annual defense policy bill that would have required women between the ages of 18 and 25 to sign up for a military draft.

The committee’s chairman, Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, said in a statement Tuesday the action was taken to prevent what he called a “reckless policy” from moving forward without closer study of its impact.

I have the utmost respect and deepest appreciation for the young women who bravely volunteer to serve our country, but I am adamantly opposed to coercing America’s daughters to sign up for the Selective Service at 18 years of age,” Sessions said.

These are the same GOP faggots who recently funded Planned Parenthood fetus-factories and the feminist/Jew program of ISIS immigration from Syria.


Those are issues they couldn’t manage to take a stand on. But they managed to white knight for feminist sluts on the draft.

The Rules Committee wields substantial influence over legislation before it moves to the House floor. The full House planned to start work on the bill on Tuesday. A Senate bill does include a version of the provision, so the congressional debate over whether women should register isn’t over.

Conservatives have warned that requiring women to sign up for a military draft is a dangerous blurring of gender lines.


The same “conservatives” who can’t seem to manage to keep men out of women’s restrooms are worried about “blurring gender lines”!

Pressed about the Rules panel’s change in the defense bill, Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., declined at a news conference to comment, deferring to the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas. Thornberry said a broader discussion of whether the nation even needs the Selective Service at a time of the all-volunteer force might be necessary.

Military leaders maintain the all-volunteer force is working and do not want a return to conscription. The U.S. has not had a military draft since 1973, in the waning years of the Vietnam War era. Still, all men between the ages of 18 and 25 are required by law to register.

“It’s what a man’s got to do,” says the Selective Service website.

And what does a woman has to do in this society?

Push you around and make outrageous demands, then sue you or have you thrown in prison if you don’t meet these demands.

A society run by unhinged women is a society based on a weird form of gender-based nepotism. Women have formed a collective identity, they then act as a bloc to control and exploit men into fulfilling their ever-increasingly bizarre “needs.”

I of course disagree with women in the military at all. Besides being ridiculous, it’s also stupid and dangerous.


The hajis are shaking in their camel-skin sandals!

It’s a man’s duty to serve, and inversely, a woman’s privilege not to.

However, we have a society where women have only privileges and no duties. It’s a woman’s duty to have children and raise them. It’s a woman’s duty to be subservient to men. Those are basically her only two duties, and yet she is flatly refusing to do either.

We need to bring back the patriarchy and we need to do it quickly.