WOMP WOMP – Corey Lewandowski Mocks 10-Year-Old Down Syndrome Spic! HA!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 20, 2018

On Fox News.

Great, great stuff.

The stuff of the truest, purest may-mays.


Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski mocked an anecdote about a 10-year-old girl with Down syndrome being separated from her mother at the U.S.-Mexico border due to the Trump Administration’s “zero tolerance” policy on immigration.

During an appearance on Fox News Tuesday night, Lewandowski responded “womp, womp” when fellow panelist Zac Petkanas shared the account he had read, CNN reports.

Petkanas, a former senior Democratic National Committee adviser, said the 10-year-old had been “taken from her mother and put in a cage.”

Petkanas is a former Clinton staffer.

Don’t know if he’s gay or Jewish or both.

His “how dare you?” bit was so emblematic of all these rats.

“You have to go along with this emotional manipulation, or you are pure evil.”

Lewandowski’s “womp womp” was so perfect.

They expect us to bend to their morality on this whole “policy has to be made based on feelings” thing.

He is expected to say “oh yes, that’s very horrible but blah blah blah your policies caused this” – instead, he mocks the basic premise of policy based on feelings.

This is very important. It is the first time I’ve seen someone do it.

We have to do it. We cannot keep allowing them to frame the morality of society, and then fight them on those grounds. It’s a rigged game. We have to declare our own morality, and follow that.

If we don’t, we are forever surrendering ground to these people. We are forever caught up in their game, playing by their rules.

We need our TV pundits simply mocking their entire “policy by sob-story anecdote” system.

Corey applied Daily Stormer polemics to TV punditry.

He was the first.

May he live forever.