Wonder of Modern Science: Gun Victim Gets a New Face After 15 Years

Gun accident victim who had most extensive face transplant in history learns to speak again as he reveals he no longer spends his life in hiding

March 9, 2013


After a gun accident took off half his face, Richard Lee Norris spent 15 years living as a recluse. Horribly disfigured, he hid indoors. When he ventured out, it was behind a baseball cap and surgical mask. He didn’t pursue a career and never married.

Now, seven months after undergoing the most extensive face transplant in history, 37-year-old Norris is finally coming out of hiding.

Thanks to a combination of potent medications and dogged determination, Norris is healing faster than anyone expected, according to his doctors at the University of Maryland Medical Center, where his transplant was performed.

‘We as doctors do the operation, but the rest is up to you as the patient,’ said Eduardo Rodriguez, a dentist and surgeon at UMMC. ‘You have to carry the ball.’

Mr Norris, Rodriguez says, took the ball and ran with it.

By the time Norris, from Hillsville, Virginia, was selected as a transplant candidate in 2005, he had already undergone more than a dozen operations attempting to give him functional use of his mouth.

Despite the numerous surgeries, certain facial features – such as his lips, nose and the front of his tongue – were beyond repair.

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